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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kathryn Posted - 06/16/2005 : 16:08:58
check it out, people!


I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kathryn Posted - 07/03/2005 : 09:30:15
Did everybody but me enter that competition?

Sometimes, no matter how shitty things get, you have to just do a little dance. - Frank
Levitated Posted - 06/29/2005 : 19:38:33
Originally posted by tobafett

What was the number of days between the first Pixies concert and the first Dead Can Dance concert of the 21st century?

Is 331 days the answer??
sombrero11 Posted - 06/29/2005 : 14:44:53
looks like we can order discs for the acoustic set in newport! :)

Hot damn! I'm ordering mine now!
tobafett Posted - 06/29/2005 : 07:34:16

just had an email from pixiesdiscs...here it is. looks like we can order discs for the acoustic set in newport! :)

Pixies News
Production has begun...
Production has begun on all 15 shows recorded during The Pixies' May/June tour of the US. We hope to begin shipping the discs in mid-July. Everyone who ordered, no matter what or when, will also be receiving a special copy of The Pixies' special performance from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. Sneak a peak at the final designs for the discs.
Acoustic Set, Upcoming Festivals, But No More SF
We're pleased to offer a special recording of The Pixies' headlining Acoustic Set at the Newport Folk Festival in early August. This is sure to be a big seller, so order yours today. We're also selling upcoming recordings of shows in Milwaukee, Chicago, and Canada. Our edition of San Francisco discs has now sold out, and we expect LA, Indianapolis, or Boston to go next, so if you haven't done so yet, buy yours today.
Best 5
Our special box set, "The Best 5 Shows" has been selected, and only a few copies remain. Find out more at our PixiesDiscs blog. You'll also find a sample song, Alec Eiffel, from the late show in Portland on May 27th.
We are also happy to report that we will be recording selected shows from the band's trip to Europe in August. Stay tuned to The Showlist or to the site for more details.
And Finally...
A Reward
We will give glorious gifts to three random people who write us at contest@theshowlive.com with "Selections" in the subject line and the answer to this question in the email:
What was the number of days between the first Pixies concert and the first Dead Can Dance concert of the 21st century?
Thanks for paying attention,
The Crew from The Show

Carl Posted - 06/28/2005 : 16:08:30
Lovely. Did someone say collector's items? :)
Surfer Rosa Posted - 06/28/2005 : 14:36:10
*starts hunting for hidden credit card*
floop Posted - 06/28/2005 : 13:51:57
like the artwork
PixiesDiscs.com Posted - 06/28/2005 : 10:03:02
We're gonna post our selections for Best 5 to our mailing list later today or tomorrow, then to the blog.

We've also just combined Toronto and Montreal into one product, and put the Newport Acoustic set on sale.
Daisy Girl Posted - 06/21/2005 : 18:06:51
beautiful!!!! wonderful!!! Thanks Jake!!!
tobafett Posted - 06/21/2005 : 11:41:18
those are rad! thanks guys!
kathryn Posted - 06/21/2005 : 09:43:36
Coolsville! Thanks!

I still believe in the excellent joy of the Catholics
PixiesDiscs.com Posted - 06/21/2005 : 08:43:08
Sneak peak:

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