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 Dutch Pixies article quotes frankblack.net

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
billgoodman Posted - 05/02/2004 : 13:20:21
they don't say
they say

but what the heck:

they quote yarbles (he's a member of our forum right?) kurt kobain joke
and the quote: no second encore, but 6 encores wouldn't be enough.

Which I know for sure is from this forum

here's the link:http://3voor12.vpro.nl/3voor12/magazines/news/index.jsp?portals=2534202&magazines=10719222&news=17453744

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
the man who is too loud Posted - 05/04/2004 : 07:59:31
Illegal or not, there's plenty of links (I know at least four now) where you can download concerts now and I don't think Charles and co. would mind because even people who want to buy it can't always be served because of the limitation of copies. And people who do buy one cd still have the advantage of a numbered copy. If you ask me we should all share what we have when it comes to the disclive cd's. I think I saw a link in 'HUMO' too (belgian magazine)
billgoodman Posted - 05/04/2004 : 06:25:18
nothing new
just some fb.net quotes
like the one from yarbles
and the ''no second encore, but on the other hand six wouldn't haven been enough''-line
which was born here too, if my memory serves me well

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/03/2004 : 23:39:28
Heh, well, if you want to run it through Babelfish and touch up any discrepancies that are in there, I would be grateful, but if it's not really worth it (i.e. nothing new and only one comment from FB.net) then I'd say forget it. Thanks for the offer in any case.

"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
billgoodman Posted - 05/03/2004 : 22:37:37
hey they have a link on that page to a mp3 of fine line show
that's pretty illegal
someone should say it to ken or somebody else
this site is hosted by the dutch goverment
they get payed with our tax money
so I guess they shouldn't do illegal stuff

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
billgoodman Posted - 05/03/2004 : 22:35:36
Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank

I have a translation question, Jop. What does this mean:



"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"

do you want me to translate the whole article?

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
the man who is too loud Posted - 05/03/2004 : 11:45:14
I could translate a sentence for you
Download het eerste pixies concert sinds 12 jaar means download the first pixies concert siince 12 years
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 05/03/2004 : 08:00:49
I have a translation question, Jop. What does this mean:



"Join the Cult of Frank / And you'll be enlightened"
billgoodman Posted - 05/03/2004 : 05:45:52
''je bent''=you are

Yarbles quote was: I expected kurt to be ressurecting from the death
earlier than a pixies reunion

tot ziens!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
Little Black Francis Posted - 05/02/2004 : 22:03:24
Dude, of course i know what "mijn vriende" means, I was asking you what the quote said, and you translated it, but you did not confirm if that was Yarbles' quote or not.

Je bent mijn vriend, BG

what does Je bent mean?

I remember tot zeins
billgoodman Posted - 05/02/2004 : 14:47:50
don't know what you mean with: ''is this the mijn vriende?''

But it says: Oh my God, it's fantastic to hear that they (the pixies) are fucking up like that and that it still sounds great after all those years.

Je bent mijn vriend, LBF

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
Little Black Francis Posted - 05/02/2004 : 14:35:57
“Oh mijn God, wat fantastsich om te horen dat ze zo aan het upfucken zijn en dat het na al die jaren nog steeds zo geweldig klinkt.”

I'm still working on my Dutch, is this the quote, mijn vriende?

And if so, what does it mean exactly...

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