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 Victoria, BC story on the Pixies (and Dave Noisy!)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dave Noisy Posted - 04/15/2004 : 21:33:33
I scanned it in here:


Send me a note if you have OCR software and can turn this into text. =)

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Dave Noisy Posted - 04/19/2004 : 21:11:31
That is news to me..dunno where he pulled that one from!

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kromkamp Posted - 04/19/2004 : 11:52:51
Did I read that right? That Minneapolis was supposed to be a three-night stand before Winnipeg until word got out? Thank god that didnt happen
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 04/18/2004 : 12:38:44
Yeah good article and great to see the site (and Dave) get a couple of mentions.


Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
klikger Posted - 04/17/2004 : 23:37:00
Nice publicity, Dave!
DeBased Posted - 04/17/2004 : 22:28:34
How awesome! Lots of detail about the site, and a really nice article.
Dave Noisy Posted - 04/16/2004 : 11:01:17
hehe - thanks everyone. This is hardly 'celebrity' - i felt much more important after the BBC radio thing..hehe..

I've been mentioned in the NYTimes, so this is pretty small potatos. =PpPppPpp

Join the Cult of the Flying Pigxies - I'm A Believer!
gary13th Posted - 04/16/2004 : 06:23:52
i'm surprised that Dave has the time to post here, now he's a celebrity !

They are about, dressed to deceive, architect David Vincent
Ten Percenter Posted - 04/16/2004 : 01:58:40
Maybe the forum should be renamed "Noisy's site"?

"Fried food, cigarettes, no exercise, chest pain..." (Excerpt from the Angina Monologues)
vilainde Posted - 04/16/2004 : 01:02:14
Awesome, Dave.

Frog in the Sand Posted - 04/16/2004 : 00:08:09
Congrats, Dave!! Happy for you.

"Welcome back to the 10th grade!"
billgoodman Posted - 04/15/2004 : 23:59:57
great photo->right mouseclick, set as background!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"

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