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 Pixies in Q

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PixieSteve Posted - 04/08/2004 : 17:30:57
This isn't really news about current events, but Pixies were placed at no. 31 in Q's top 50 most influential bands. For those interested, 3rd - nirvana, 2nd - beatles, 1st - sex pistols.

Here's a scan.

sorry it's slightly bent.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Apesy Posted - 04/11/2004 : 14:26:57
I think Q is a fun read, even if a lot of it is tabloid type stuff.

Sprite Posted - 04/11/2004 : 07:09:53
Q has always been a superior publication to NME. Have the impression that Q was staffed with people that listened to the music rather than seeing how hip and bitchy their reviews could be. And of course NME rated Doolittle higher in their 'Best Albums of all time poll' than any Pixies album in the end of year polls when they were around - ie it took them ten years to really realise how good they were.
darragh Posted - 04/09/2004 : 11:19:24
Careless Talk Costs Lives was good, but it's finished now. I think they've got a new magazine called Loose Lips Sink Ships.
PixieSteve Posted - 04/09/2004 : 10:07:03
Yeah, exactly, lol.

Q isn't bad! I mean, they dedicate a whole page to the Pixies, whilst most other bands get a very small paragraph, place them at number 31 which is pretty respectable and then you say they are crap, lol.

X-Ray is a pretty decent magazine.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 04/09/2004 : 06:20:04
Yeah............if you are drawing your pension!!!

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
billgoodman Posted - 04/09/2004 : 06:07:46
Mojo magazine isn't that bad

"I joined the Cult of Frank/Nobody wanted to join my Culf"
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 04/09/2004 : 05:54:09
Noseflute Weekly is pretty darn rivetting!!!

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
Active Duck Posted - 04/09/2004 : 04:10:01
Originally posted by Homers_pet_monkey

Told ya Q was worse than NME!!!

Are there any good music magazines around right now? I gave up on them a while ago but I'd love to find one that is even slightly interesting to read.
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 04/09/2004 : 03:21:03
Originally posted by Cheeseman1000

I saw that. So "Francis couldn't have written a straight song to save his life". Clearly, they haven't listened to SMYT.

"Join The Cult Of Wormy Cheese Man/In Ten Words Or Less"

It actually says "straight love song" and at the time of him being called Black Francis, this was true. He even said himself that he didn't want to write a love song, and hadn't done with the Pixies.

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 04/09/2004 : 03:18:05
Told ya Q was worse than NME!!!

Hansel and Gretel have formed a band, .....And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Breadcrumbs!!!
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 04/08/2004 : 17:35:26
I saw that. So "Francis couldn't have written a straight song to save his life". Clearly, they haven't listened to SMYT.

"Join The Cult Of Wormy Cheese Man/In Ten Words Or Less"

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