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 Pixies- Que Sera, Sera(Whatever Will Be, Will Be)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yarbles Posted - 03/02/2022 : 03:14:38
This totally flew under the radar.... apparently there's a new TV show on EPIX (anyone watch EPIX?) called FROM, and Pixies did an awesome cover of "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) for the show's opening titles/theme song. This apparently has been a thing for weeks and there's been no coverage of it amongst Pixies social media or anything. Weird. Anyway, someone uploaded a rip of the show's openeing credits, take a listen...


Between discovering this and Human Crime dropping in a few hours later today, it's turned out to be an incredible day for Pixies fans.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johnnyribcage Posted - 03/20/2022 : 20:21:54
Thanks Disco!

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
Discoking Posted - 03/20/2022 : 09:42:11
if you'd like to listen to this offline, i've created an mp3 and a flac file.
they should be available as a download here for 30 days. https://ufile.io/f/rpoxt

it's educational
Discoking Posted - 03/20/2022 : 05:55:44
there are other uploads on youtube

it's educational
McDutchie Posted - 03/18/2022 : 10:33:07
And now the video is gone. :/

Did anyone happen to save a copy?
Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 03/15/2022 : 21:24:36
Simply beautiful.
Like a great Pixies B-side from the golden age.
I want more of these!!!

stuczuba Posted - 03/10/2022 : 12:07:17
Originally posted by Sprite

Thanks Yarbles that is *some* find. Like when they got the gold in Detectorists!

Genuine lol :)

That's a great find though!
Bedbug Posted - 03/05/2022 : 14:14:04
The Man Who Knew Too Much is the only thing I can think about when I read this thread
pot Posted - 03/05/2022 : 02:20:12
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

I guess I'm the only one who finds this kinda lame

Maybe that's why they kept quiet about it?

I think it makes for good TV show intro music.
Troubles A Foot Posted - 03/04/2022 : 13:31:52
I guess I'm the only one who finds this kinda lame
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 03/04/2022 : 12:00:39
Awesome find, thanks! I agree with Jop!

"If we hit this bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."
billgoodman Posted - 03/02/2022 : 23:30:57
I really dislike this classic song
This version is a nice surprise
Wonder who produced it!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Brank_Flack Posted - 03/02/2022 : 11:49:27
Ha, great version! Thanks for finding. I know Charles seemed annoyed at the "goth" descriptor of Beneath the Eyrie, but it fits here (and I'm all for it).
picpic Posted - 03/02/2022 : 10:40:16

"Service Unavailable"
pot Posted - 03/02/2022 : 10:29:27
Cool, and the name EPIX is even included in the name THE PIXIES
Troubles A Foot Posted - 03/02/2022 : 09:55:03
Oh my god, Pixies doing the typical moody cover song on the cliche opening credits of a gritty prestige drama show. Hysterical.
Sprite Posted - 03/02/2022 : 08:53:57
Thanks Yarbles that is *some* find. Like when they got the gold in Detectorists!
Active Duck Posted - 03/02/2022 : 04:51:56
Nice find!

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