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 Chris Morris book mentions Pixies parody...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Carl Posted - 07/11/2010 : 22:13:03

Interesting read, mentions Pixies a few times, in particular Motherbanger:

"...He released a record of a few sketches on a Select music magazine freebie. He often included music parodies on his DJ shows, and among the offerings to the magazine's indie and alternative readership was an affectionate Pixies take-off - the incestuous tale of 'Motherbanger'. Although he always wrote the words and music himself for such items, they were often recorded in the studio of former Bristol University student Jonathan Whitehead...

...Morris didn't see a comic song as a quick filler. His songs sounded like something the target artist might do on a particularly demented day in the studio, suggesting their essence with little more than a brief sketch.

'Musically, they somehow got compressed', explains Whitehead. 'There would never be a whole verse just to get it to a certain length. It was always cut up, so you had fractured structures that were very compact, just to get across the maximum amount of gags in the shortest amount of time.' In 'Motherbanger' there was a brief 'Monkey Gone To Heaven' vocal breakdown: 'My mother gummed my weapon'. Like many of the bands Morris picked on, the Pixies were a real favourite of his and the affection helped to underpin the spoof with a sense of authenticity."
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OLDMANOTY Posted - 08/20/2010 : 03:27:13
Ooh, must get that. Love Chris Morris. His music parodies were always spot on. I'm sure most on here have heard 'Motherbanger' but may as well post it.

These are good too.

Carl Posted - 07/12/2010 : 13:48:44
I saw it in HMV the other day, got it for €12.
matto Posted - 07/12/2010 : 05:25:07
I's a massive morris fan, was wondering whether that book was worth picking up... looks worth it -- thanks carl!

sminki pinki

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