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 Kinda funny namedrop at Pitchfork

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
matto Posted - 04/05/2005 : 07:16:42
a brief, but poignant (sp) one-liner:

"The dB's to Reunite for First Sessions in 20 Years

Nick Patch reports:
It's a good news Monday, people-- the original members of the dB's have reunited for their first sessions in more than 20 years. Peter Holsapple, Chris Stamey (sometime collaborator of Yo La Tengo), Will Rigby, and Gene Holder (sometime producer/bassist of Yo La Tengo) recorded new material at Hoboken's Water Music (sometime studio of Yo La Tengo...notice a pattern?) this January. Seven new Holsapple/Stamey originals are reportedly being completed, as well as a cover of the Motown classic "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted?" Though the band is currently without a label, they are tentatively hoping to release an album in early 2006, with a possibility of some shows preceding it.

The last couple of years have seen a wave of 1980s acts with fresh material and love-handles, but Chris Stamey recently told Rolling Stone that the dB's weren't motivated by nostalgia. "The whole world's gone reunion mad," Stamey said. "But this project is driven by the music we're writing, and not by the desire for a high school reunion." Take that, Pixies!

The power pop group released Stands for Decibels and Repercussion in 1981 and 1982, before founding member Stamey split for lonelier pastures. The dB's released then two more albums before breaking up in 1987, while Stamey pursued a solo career.

As far as a tour goes, Stamey admits that trying to satisfy fans' desire to hear classic dB's material could prove frustrating, but remains optimistic. "If I go see Gang of Four, I'm gonna want to hear 'At Home He's A Tourist'. I understand that, and that's a really good reason not to do this. But the excitement we found in the sessions was based on something new." Whatever. Play "Moving In Your Sleep"!!!

"nie za volkot, volkot na vratot"
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Levitated Posted - 04/12/2005 : 16:38:10
oh, ok. Thanks for the info ;)
Mickey Posted - 04/12/2005 : 13:06:21
the dB's were a sweet power pop band in the early 80s.

Levitated Posted - 04/08/2005 : 21:38:12
actually I don't even know what is dB's
Are the Doobie Brothers?
If so I think they have pretty good songs
Mickey Posted - 04/08/2005 : 15:52:35
am I the only one here who absolutley loves the dB's?

Levitated Posted - 04/05/2005 : 19:14:04
well..we all know Bitchfork
NimrodsSon Posted - 04/05/2005 : 08:14:03
"But this project is driven by the music we're writing, and not by the desire for a high school reunion."

If only that was the case with the Pixies...

ˇViva los Católicos! http://adrianfoster.dmusic.com/

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