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 do you want the pixies first 4 albums remastered?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ynnek4 Posted - 11/06/2004 : 04:55:10

if you are interested, show some support here:


they would be remastered by mastering guru steve hoffman in 24k gold on an audiophile label. heck, make your own topic there. show some support and it will happen.

i think their albums would sound great with steve hoffman remastering them.

thanks a lot.
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billgoodman Posted - 11/12/2004 : 12:15:41
I am assuming that they/he did not like the result

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
dayanara Posted - 11/12/2004 : 10:35:38
Jo - do you know why they (I'm assuming Charles) rejected the remastered versions?

Around here, intolerance will not be tolerated
jo Posted - 11/12/2004 : 02:27:43
they would all benefit from a better sound - the CD sound is weak. Still, at least the vinyl is available again on the first three albums.. so it's something!
Atheist4Catholics Posted - 11/11/2004 : 08:24:43
I've always maintained that my cassette of "Doolittle" sounded better than my CD. The bass on the CD isn't as good. All four albums would benefit simply from a better digital transfer.

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two reelers Posted - 11/11/2004 : 05:32:46
Originally posted by bumblebeeboy2

don't touch the trompe! it's a beautiful peace of music, engineering, arrangement, production, mastering... perfect.

absolutely correct. trompe is 120% perfect. too much reverb - nonsense. so hands off !

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
billgoodman Posted - 11/10/2004 : 12:37:30
yes because John Dent must have been paid
that's losing money for 4AD
steve hoffman even worked on pet sounds! He must be really expensive

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
jo Posted - 11/10/2004 : 09:23:04
Originally posted by Ynnek4

wow, didn tknow that they were remastered! too bad they did not come out!

matching the vinyl is the way to go though.

i have a feeling frank would be open to steve doing them.

your optimism is great, but really... I can't see it happening... mind, if it ever did, I wonder how much it'd cost 4AD to have it done a third time :)
Daisy Girl Posted - 11/09/2004 : 20:02:20
Hey Yennek... sorry I tried emailing you but your contact info wasn't given it was really me who just posted on the message board... I feel completely stupid but I thought I was logged on both times ... but it just came up as guest... and then when I logged on the last time ... it didn't recognize my email..sorry :(

cheshireycat Posted - 11/09/2004 : 11:32:58
Wait, lemme get this right--some of you are complaining that there will be more versions of old Pixies stuff? It's not like you have to have one or the other, you keep your CDs, what is there to lose?
Ynnek4 Posted - 11/09/2004 : 05:17:28
wow, didn tknow that they were remastered! too bad they did not come out!

matching the vinyl is the way to go though.

i have a feeling frank would be open to steve doing them.

thanks for the info!
jo Posted - 11/09/2004 : 04:14:58
what jop said really. The albums were remastered, but we (4AD) weren't allowed to use them.. so unless the management has a change of heart, I don't see it happening.

The CD's we had (remastered) matched the vinyl sound, which was pretty good to hear - we compared sound on a stereo in the Beggars room, with two cd players and vinyl playing at the same time, and flicking between them, to compare the sound. They were done by John Dent, who I think remastered the B-sides album, and did a bloody good job.
Ynnek4 Posted - 11/08/2004 : 16:04:27
not a problem daisy girl

a lot of people think "remastering" means remixing and doing what george lucas did with his star wars trilogy. taking things away and adding things.

thats not the case (most of the time) generally, but especially with steve hoffman. he would get the MOST out of the pixies master tapes humanly possible. hes a fan of theirs and the pixies even covered a song of his. if he remastered their catalog, you would be without a doubt, hearing as close to what the true master tapes sound like.

which most likely, you are not hearing now.

its truly a win-win situation.
bumblebeeboy2 Posted - 11/08/2004 : 13:58:55
don't touch the trompe! it's a beautiful peace of music, engineering, arrangement, production, mastering... perfect. i'll chop off the hands of whoever tries to mess with it!

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Daisy Girl Posted - 11/08/2004 : 07:48:55
Ynnek4... Just wanted to say thank you so much for organizing this!!!! If this does happen, how cool would that be??? Thanks again for such a great idea and getting all of us to back it up.

Also thanks for your explination above... there was a little trepidation on my part just because I didn't wan't it to hurt the quality of something we all love... but to hear more stuff that was recorded and we can't hear.... that would be KILLER!!!

So everyone if you haven't posted... PLEASE click on the link above, register and post!!! Thank you.

Thanks again Ynnek4!!!!

Ynnek4 Posted - 11/08/2004 : 05:34:45

nothing would change other then hearing more from the original master tapes, thats all. steve hoffman is notorious for doing "flat transfers" from the master tapes and not screwing with them like other engineers of today. you would hear things that you cant now that the pixies probably intended you to hear in the first place. trust me(and i am sure this goes without saying), if you were to be in a studio with the master tapes playing back, you would be amazed at the difference when compared to the late 80's-early 90's cd releases.

and of course, i am sure it would not be relaesed without the bands say so. thats all that realy matters in the end anyways.

take care.

n/a Posted - 11/08/2004 : 04:16:58
I like them as they are too, for me they don´t need any change/remastering at all...I love them like that!

No peito dos desafinados
Também bate um coração
mun chien andalusia Posted - 11/08/2004 : 03:40:16
i'm too used to the sound of the pixies albums. no remastering is needed IMHO.

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Sam Posted - 11/08/2004 : 01:12:17
No, not at all.
whoreatthedoor Posted - 11/08/2004 : 00:53:16
Up with Trompe and maybe COP, but there's no need to touch the others.

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting...
MikeW Posted - 11/07/2004 : 21:14:21
1. I think SR should be remixed or re-recorded
2. The sequence on Doolittle should be changed
3. Trompe should be remixed as well. Less reverb.
billgoodman Posted - 11/07/2004 : 09:12:31
Actually, before Jo kicks in,
they were remastered
but those versions were rejected by the management or frank himself

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
Ynnek4 Posted - 11/07/2004 : 06:49:56
thanks for showing your support

yes, please, everyone register.

these would really sound great if done by steve hoffman. i posted this info on another board (pixies music forum) and they seemed to poo-poo it. oh well

they are gonna be remastered sooner or later!its just that do you want them done right, or done loud and compressed (recent pixies best of).

porkbone1 Posted - 11/07/2004 : 01:46:02
I posted there... it looks like that guy might be coming around. Everyone should register on the site though before posting, 1000 "guests" aren't going to convince anyone.


The joke has come upon me
Daisy Girl Posted - 11/06/2004 : 18:44:04
Me too... if the band is for it too...

Dave Noisy Posted - 11/06/2004 : 09:12:52
I'd be all for an SA-CD release.. =P

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billgoodman Posted - 11/06/2004 : 06:59:55
this marshall guy is certainly not up for it
I don't get it anyway, what's the deal with him? why are you trying to convert him?

steve hoffman should make a surftones album in the first place
after that he can do the 4 pixies records

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"

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