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T O P I C    R E V I E W
billgoodman Posted - 09/09/2013 : 06:57:50

Thompson: "At some point, she said, 'I'm out. I can't do this. It's just not what I want to do.' It was perfectly amicable. It wasn't like we were fighting about anything. She just wasn't comfortable with the process."

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
29   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
billgoodman Posted - 09/11/2013 : 23:53:45
Originally posted by Fissile

Originally posted by billgoodman

Can you give a link to that interview?
I believe that around Bluefinger the Pixies were more or less over and the member all thought there would be no new shows. Personally, I also think the reunion had run its course around that time.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Here you go: http://news.qthemusic.com/2008/09/deal_says_no_more_pixies_recor.html

Thanks! Wonder why she eventually did find herself in a studio with BF.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
natenate101 Posted - 09/11/2013 : 23:40:25
Cool picture of the Pixies 2.0
Fissile Posted - 09/11/2013 : 04:56:46
Originally posted by billgoodman

Can you give a link to that interview?
I believe that around Bluefinger the Pixies were more or less over and the member all thought there would be no new shows. Personally, I also think the reunion had run its course around that time.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Here you go: http://news.qthemusic.com/2008/09/deal_says_no_more_pixies_recor.html
billgoodman Posted - 09/11/2013 : 04:45:11
Can you give a link to that interview?
I believe that around Bluefinger the Pixies were more or less over and the member all thought there would be no new shows. Personally, I also think the reunion had run its course around that time.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Fissile Posted - 09/11/2013 : 04:23:36
This interview just confirms what I've been saying for a long time. Thompson was ready to record new music back in 2006-2007 but Kim refused. I remember reading a Kim interview from back in 2008 or so when she was asked about new Pixies. She replied, "Oh God, no. I would never get into a studio with him. I would rather record with my mother." She hates him, that's all there is to it. Her motivation for doing the reunion was partly to help Dave and Joe, who were both broke, and partly a way to fund her music hobby. Unless she ends up on the skids again(not probable) I doubt she'll be back.
floop Posted - 09/10/2013 : 17:38:43
Originally posted by johnnyribcage

Originally posted by moonruler

Originally posted by billgoodman

Yeah, if that mail was lost it's another story, but if they choose not to participate in Bluefinger or Svn fngrs they were very wrong

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Okay, I agree with that, too, but I also think Kim leaving was a loss for the band.

And I agree that Pixies should have taken flight a few albums ago.

I guess I am just agreeable.

Looks like we're all pretty much in agreement.

Everybody calm down, I'm the Burgermeister of Purgatory

I disagree

green star member since 2006. smb?
Jason Posted - 09/10/2013 : 15:16:40
On the subject of Kim Shattuck, I think I've posted these before, but they're cool and worth posting again.

The Muffs (Kim Shattuck's main band) covered Kim Deal's "Pacer" for a B-side about fourteen years ago:

And The Beards (a side project Kim Shattuck was in that made one album ten years ago) covered Frank Black's "Thalassocracy":
moonruler Posted - 09/10/2013 : 14:47:49
Originally posted by johnnyribcage

Originally posted by moonruler

Originally posted by billgoodman

Yeah, if that mail was lost it's another story, but if they choose not to participate in Bluefinger or Svn fngrs they were very wrong

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Okay, I agree with that, too, but I also think Kim leaving was a loss for the band.

And I agree that Pixies should have taken flight a few albums ago.

I guess I am just agreeable.

Looks like we're all pretty much in agreement.

Everybody calm down, I'm the Burgermeister of Purgatory

You beat me to that signature: Burgermeister of Purgatory. Maybe you've go to be an "old man", but I love that shit.

I am really anxious to hear the new stuff. Especially with Kim S. I have not heard anything she has done and look forward to that surprise.
johnnyribcage Posted - 09/10/2013 : 14:19:06
Originally posted by moonruler

Originally posted by billgoodman

Yeah, if that mail was lost it's another story, but if they choose not to participate in Bluefinger or Svn fngrs they were very wrong

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Okay, I agree with that, too, but I also think Kim leaving was a loss for the band.

And I agree that Pixies should have taken flight a few albums ago.

I guess I am just agreeable.

Looks like we're all pretty much in agreement.

Everybody calm down, I'm the Burgermeister of Purgatory
moonruler Posted - 09/10/2013 : 14:13:23
Originally posted by billgoodman

Yeah, if that mail was lost it's another story, but if they choose not to participate in Bluefinger or Svn fngrs they were very wrong

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Okay, I agree with that, too, but I also think Kim leaving was a loss for the band.

And I agree that Pixies should have taken flight a few albums ago.

I guess I am just agreeable.
johnnyribcage Posted - 09/10/2013 : 12:12:37
Originally posted by billgoodman

Yeah, if that mail was lost it's another story, but if they choose not to participate in Bluefinger or Svn fngrs they were very wrong

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

Ah - Okay that's what I thought you meant - I definitely agree. If they'd have done Bluefinger or Svn it would have been more in line with what people were expecting I think as well. No bother - I love the new stuff and the 'fingers are great as is.

Moonruler's response made me wonder if you were saying it was their loss that Kim Deal was gone. I say it's her loss on that one.

Everybody calm down, I'm the Burgermeister of Purgatory
vilainde Posted - 09/10/2013 : 08:35:41
Ha! so lucmove is Kim S' Fissile.


Obsidiana Bijoux
natenate101 Posted - 09/10/2013 : 08:33:11
Didn't the writer mention he had more interview stuff with Joey and Dave? Odd that he just added on to the original piece instead of creating 2 new pieces for the phone interview with Charles and the Joey/Dave stuff. Maybe there wasn't enough to warrant a separate article though.
billgoodman Posted - 09/10/2013 : 07:48:01
Pff, really?

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
lucmove Posted - 09/10/2013 : 04:23:42
Originally posted by Jason

Here's a good screamy Kim Shattuck performance:

Holy shit.

Making her... erm, vocalize for the Pixies may be a very good strategy after all. They keep her for some time, then as soon as they get rid of her everyone is going to be so relieved that whatever the Pixies do will sound marvelous.

"- Thanks!"
fumanbru Posted - 09/10/2013 : 00:08:08
Originally posted by Jason

Kim Shattuck is a great singer and, as Frank says, a great screamer. Long before she started collaborating with Frank, she was my favorite Kim in rock music. The thought of her singing on future Pixies records is wonderful.

Here's a good screamy Kim Shattuck performance:

cool. punk rock city!

i haven't been this excited about frank's career since bluefinger came out.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"...long live snitz!!
billgoodman Posted - 09/09/2013 : 22:39:57
I hope she will be a an official member soon.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Jason Posted - 09/09/2013 : 21:36:38
Kim Shattuck is a great singer and, as Frank says, a great screamer. Long before she started collaborating with Frank, she was my favorite Kim in rock music. The thought of her singing on future Pixies records is wonderful.

Here's a good screamy Kim Shattuck performance:
natenate101 Posted - 09/09/2013 : 21:06:56
Originally posted by Jose Jones

well, shit- that sounds like New Kim is officially in the band. hot damn, that pleases me!

they were the heroes of old, men of renown.

I'm thinking she'll contribute but not be "officially" in the band. Think they keep KD's spot kinda sorta open as mentioned in the earlier statement announcing her departure. Seems like would help avoid backlash for the fellas and Kim S.
billgoodman Posted - 09/09/2013 : 20:55:02
Yeah, if that mail was lost it's another story, but if they choose not to participate in Bluefinger or Svn fngrs they were very wrong

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
johnnyribcage Posted - 09/09/2013 : 16:31:40
Originally posted by moonruler

Originally posted by billgoodman

Their loss

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

I agree. Even when Kim was less featured (bossanova/trompe) she still brought a distinctive sound with herself.

While, for the most part, I like the new material, I wish Kim had participated. I do understand why she did not, though.

But I can't wait to hear new songs with Kim S. Violet did a great job of backing him on Bluefinger, and I think Frank's music has a feminine side that is enhanced with a female voice.

Man I would really have loved to have heard the new stuff with Kim, though. Still finding a lot to enjoy with it.

Wait... Who's loss about what? I figured it's the Pixies' loss they didn't record whatever Frank demoed for them (ie maybe it was the finger stuff). What'd ya have in mind, Bill?

Everybody calm down, I'm the Burgermeister of Purgatory
Jose Jones Posted - 09/09/2013 : 16:24:41
well, shit- that sounds like New Kim is officially in the band. hot damn, that pleases me!

they were the heroes of old, men of renown.
moonruler Posted - 09/09/2013 : 13:34:04
Originally posted by billgoodman

Their loss

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

I agree. Even when Kim was less featured (bossanova/trompe) she still brought a distinctive sound with herself.

While, for the most part, I like the new material, I wish Kim had participated. I do understand why she did not, though.

But I can't wait to hear new songs with Kim S. Violet did a great job of backing him on Bluefinger, and I think Frank's music has a feminine side that is enhanced with a female voice.

Man I would really have loved to have heard the new stuff with Kim, though. Still finding a lot to enjoy with it.
johnnyribcage Posted - 09/09/2013 : 12:49:14
I always thought Gyaneshwar was pretty blatantly Pixie-ish. Great song, I love it, but it seemed clear he was purposefully aiming for a Pixie sound.

Everybody calm down, I'm the Burgermeister of Purgatory
sdon Posted - 09/09/2013 : 12:11:46
Some from Christmass could completely have been demos for the Pixies

"Aristophanes! (gong sounds)"
lucmove Posted - 09/09/2013 : 12:10:42
I guess it's because Bluefinger is like a very long Alec Eiffel. It pays homage to someone and the very first track is about flying.

Come on, it makes sense. :-P

Seriously though, I am among the ones who think Bluefinger was meant to be a Pixies comeback. Violet on backing vocals also reinforces that theory.

"- Thanks!"
Ziggy Posted - 09/09/2013 : 10:47:24
I never quite got the 'Bluefinger sounds like Pixies demos' argument, but a good few of the Svn Fngrs songs would sound fantastic with the Pixies.
billgoodman Posted - 09/09/2013 : 09:55:44
Their loss

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
natenate101 Posted - 09/09/2013 : 07:29:26
"I really like that she's a good screamer," said Thompson. "And even though we weren't looking for a female vocalist who knows how to scream, we've got new material coming up and new songs to write, etc., and she is going to be asked to scream."

There's a bonus too, confessed Thompson. If Shattuck steals the light, "then I can be the sweet one. I want to be the sweet one that everyone's in love with. She can be the angry weirdo in the middle of the stage, and I can stand to the side."

New material where she will be asked to scream? New songs to write? That just made my day. The future is looking pretty damned bright.
Sounds like the demos Charles worked on earlier, maybe the Bluefinger/SVN FNGRS stuff, didnt sit well with the others.

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