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T O P I C    R E V I E W
depixier Posted - 11/06/2004 : 09:57:46
I found this on a p2p program and put it on torrent:


01 - tipp city.mpg
02 - little fury.mpg
03 - huffer.mpg
04 - saints.mpg
05 - i just wanna get along.mpg
06 - off you.mpg
07 - cannonball.mpg
08 - safari.mpg
09 - iris.mpg
10 - gigantic.mpg
11 - divine hammer.mpg
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jo Posted - 11/15/2004 : 05:06:15
the quality is really good - but it's really annoying, as the original seeder and one other person are never online very long, so most people only have approx 78% of the show... it looks like it was taken from Japanese tv, not sure how it will convert to DVD or CD afterwards, but it doesn't seem to pixellated when you view it on a large screen.

Bittorrent is straightforward once you get a programme to view it with - I use tomato (a mac client), and restrict myself to the odd tv programme or rare live thing, rather than albums, which can be got fairly easily (which I don't agree with). You need to register at sites, and then once you are, copy the url of the torrent, and put it in the programme, et voila! It should then work...!
billgoodman Posted - 11/06/2004 : 23:36:07
you have to get yourself a bittorrent program
mine is bittornado and it works fine
after you installed it and you open a torrent file
it will start downloading

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
Aurora-borealis Posted - 11/06/2004 : 12:57:39

How the hell does this torrent-thing work anyway? I hung around the site for a while, but I just could not figure it out. Someone please explain it to me! I'm sorry for being so helpless, but I'm just such a total idiot when it comes to stuff like this...

Thanks in advance...
billgoodman Posted - 11/06/2004 : 10:24:28
nice little set, btw, only 1 pod song
but I guess that's typical when you play a short set
have to include your latest release and the hits

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
billgoodman Posted - 11/06/2004 : 10:22:56
how's the quality

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"

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