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 Pixies 2.0 - Spotify Top 20

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Active Duck Posted - 12/02/2024 : 00:56:31
Most played 2.0 tracks on spotify. Mon 2 Dec 2024.

1). 86,531,911 - All I Think About Now (=)
2). 9,524,797 - Human Crime (previously 6)
3). 7,491,506 - Greens and Blues (previously 2)
4). 6,366,508 - On Graveyard Hill (previously 3)
5). 5,742,638 - Catfish Kate (=)
6). 5,532,327 - Indie Cindy (previously 4)
7). 4,027,197 - There's A Moon On (*NEW)
8). 3,496,747 - Magdalena 318 (previously 10)
9). 3,319,565 - Head Carrier (previously 7)
10). 3,224,952 - Tenement Song (previously 8)
11). 2,992,173 - Classic Masher (previously 9)
12). 2,949,138 - Vault Of Heaven (*NEW)
13). 2,831,361 - Might As Well Be Gone (previously 11)
14). 2,656,758 - Que Sera Sera (*NEW)
15). 2,520,957 - Nomatterday (*New)
16). 2,209,519 - Oona (previously 13)
17). 2,199,488 - Um Chagga Lagga (previously 12)
18). 2,028,351 - Bagboy (previously 14)
19). 1,868,267 - Talent (previously 15)
20). 1,835,922 - You're So Impatient (*NEW)

Changes are from pre Doggerel
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Active Duck Posted - 12/03/2024 : 00:09:33
I wonder if Que Sera Sera is going to rise quickly now it's one of the the 'popular songs' on the Pixies artist page.
Bedbug Posted - 12/02/2024 : 06:14:37
The gap between 1 and 2 is enormous
Active Duck Posted - 12/02/2024 : 03:40:51
Same here Sprite. This list does not make a strong 'Best of 2.0' compilation.

Magdalena is absolutely a standout here for me too.

It's interesting to me that On Graveyard Hill and Catfish Kate have so many plays but no other BTE tracks make the list. Or maybe it's not interesting. I don't know.
Sprite Posted - 12/02/2024 : 03:21:24
Ha only two of those would make my top 20 Pixies 2.0 (Magdalena and Nomatterday).
Mad Lucas Posted - 12/02/2024 : 03:02:46
I've really come around to Human Crime. Excellent song.

Active Duck Posted - 12/02/2024 : 00:59:34
Indie Cindy - 4
Head Carrier - 8
Beneath The Eyrie - 2
Doggerel - 3
The Night The Zombies Came - 1
Standalone Singles - 2

Magdalena makes a surprise move up.

You’re So Impatient pushes What Goes Boom out of the top 20.

It won’t be long before Chicken enters and Talent is gone.

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