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 Pixies rip off

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
frank_black_ Posted - 05/21/2006 : 12:21:29
If you want to hear the biggest rip off EVER in the history of music, I suggest you listen to "O yeah" by "end of fashion". Give it a go and see what you think >_<

"Who doesn't like the ******* Who?" ~ Frank Black
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 05/27/2006 : 12:13:55
Try this one. Blood On The Wall, 'Mary Susan'.


I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Jefrey Posted - 05/22/2006 : 21:56:07
If you don't believe me, check out the Sparks page and go to "Idiosyncrasies" - you can play the Moustache game and see all the moustaches.

Jefrey Posted - 05/22/2006 : 21:50:26
And even then, Soft Cell were just ripping off Sparks. The Sparks guy had the better moustache though. Hell, he still HAS the better moustache!

Ma ma ma ma ma moustache moustache moustache moustache!
frank_black_ Posted - 05/22/2006 : 13:42:33
I still think O yeah

"Who doesn't like the ******* Who?" ~ Frank Black
Homers_pet_monkey Posted - 05/22/2006 : 11:38:23
O no!

It's hard to tell which rips it off more, O yeah or Toadies.

I'd walk her everyday, into a shady place
Carl Posted - 05/22/2006 : 08:53:14
I think I'd like to POISON anyone who looks like Soft Cell in that picture!

Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 05/22/2006 : 08:50:26
The worst cool corporate bands of the last 10 years sound like Pixies. From Radiohead to Shiwawa and so on...

As I am growing old I wonder wether the Pixies had a good influence overall.
Yes they are good, one of the BEST THINGS ON EARTH... But look what the have bred.

Pixies is a POISON.

Same for Soft Cell...

Carl Posted - 05/22/2006 : 07:56:22
I know it's not a pisstake, but it may as well be. The sexy girls bits are so dumb. Is that oil dripping out of the nozzle suppossed to be sexually suggestive? And the bits with the ordinary racetrack folks starring into the camera...*shudder*. BTW, frank black, remember, you ripped off FB's name!! (just kiddin'!)

Here's something genuine-the Debaser video has been posted on YouTube:


BTW, hi, Mr. Echo. Oh yeah....was Black Francis actually involved in this video? Shocking new evidence:

Dear Mr Echo Posted - 05/22/2006 : 06:06:52
I'm a pretty mild mannered chap but some things make me want to kill.

Was this my first post?

<i>"Some people have a way with words... other people not have way."</i>
Erebus Posted - 05/21/2006 : 21:29:22
Shameless, frank_black. No wonder the song made money! One might think Frank would sue had he not too much class, except that for all I know he or Ken Goes has. It's almost as bad as somebody ripping off Stairway to Heaven, except when one learns that that very LZ classic itself rips its intro from Spirit's 1967 "Taurus". From allmusic.com : "One of the most gorgeous and haunting songs of the early Spirit catalog, .... Interestingly, Led Zeppelin (who had toured with Spirit in 1968/1969) used a strikingly similar guitar melody as the basis for their now-classic "Stairway to Heaven," again proving that very little in rock & roll is wholly original."

perfection could use an upgrade
Thomas Posted - 05/21/2006 : 19:26:00
Nothing sounds more like WIMM? than the Toadies - Tyler.


Obviously this is not the real video for the song, but it is clear enough to hear.

"Our Love is Rice and Beans and Horses Lard"
Don Eduardo Posted - 05/21/2006 : 15:35:40
It was a hit here in Australia last year, seemed to be on the local music video channel every 5 minutes....I remember in an interview when the singer was asked about the songs' likeness to WIMM he just said "oh well, everyone else is ripping off other songs so why can't we" or something similar.
frank_black_ Posted - 05/21/2006 : 12:57:51

"Who doesn't like the ******* Who?" ~ Frank Black
PixieSteve Posted - 05/21/2006 : 12:54:20

End of Fashion have been criticised for copying the guitar riff from Pixies' Where Is My Mind? for the song O Yeah.

In a review, Jonathon Miller wrote 'End of Fashion are having no problem appealing to the 95% of people that haven’t heard (and still remember) the Pixies’ ‘Where Is My Mind?’ and have never experienced a truly exciting live show, and if that’s what the band is aiming for, then they are a complete success.'

In some of their later live shows, Justin Burford has taken to inserting lyrics from the Pixies' song at the end of O Yeah, as a tongue-in-cheek move against their detractors and on occasion has played the entire 'Where Is My Mind' breaking straight into 'O Yeah'.


frank_black_ Posted - 05/21/2006 : 12:53:06
Originally posted by PixieSteve

fuck me, where is my mind much


lol, yup. The chorus even has a joey-esq lead part in it!

"Who doesn't like the ******* Who?" ~ Frank Black
PixieSteve Posted - 05/21/2006 : 12:51:23
fuck me, where is my mind much

frank_black_ Posted - 05/21/2006 : 12:27:13

There's a link to it's video

"Who doesn't like the ******* Who?" ~ Frank Black

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