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T O P I C    R E V I E W
coastline Posted - 07/31/2007 : 05:27:32
Often, when I'm done reading a thread, I like to go back to the main forum page to see what's new on the whole board. This means scrolling back to the top of the page and clicking on the brown logo with the guitar that's at the top left of every page. I often think it'd be easier if that logo -- or some other sort of link -- were also at the bottom of every page. Is that something that's hard to add? And is it only me who uses the site that way?

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 08/02/2007 : 20:15:29
Probably not too hard, I'll look into it when I finally get to revamping this place. May I suggest Active Topics at the top for now rather than just going back to the forum. It's a beautiful thing.

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
coastline Posted - 08/01/2007 : 05:12:23
I sound more whiny with each reply, I know, but ...

For my favorites/bookmarks, I use my Google Toolbar. To click one, I must first click the "Bookmarks" button at the top of my screen to bring down the list, and then find the FB forum bookmark.

The thing is, there's that little icon at the bottom-right of every screen on the forum, which you can use to go to the top of the page. The designers of this site were working with easy use in mind, and they did a great job. I'm just suggesting another little icon to make things just that much easier.

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
pixiestu Posted - 08/01/2007 : 04:15:30
This might be a bit obvious, so I'm probably missing something, but can you not just save the main forum page to your favourites?

"The arc of triumph"
s_wrenn Posted - 07/31/2007 : 14:42:21
I know!
Instead of rearranging the whole forum for your lazy ass, put this link in your sig:


Then when you post something, click on it

Well, it might open a new window or tab... but your a lazy bastard

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |
coastline Posted - 07/31/2007 : 14:24:02
Originally posted by PixieSteve

browser back buttons?

amazing alliteration

"Idiot" is just her sig.

Works fine if you haven't just posted. I'm just looking for a one-click way to get back home. That's all.

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
PixieSteve Posted - 07/31/2007 : 13:10:36
browser back buttons?

amazing alliteration

"Idiot" is just her sig.
coastline Posted - 07/31/2007 : 06:12:09
Originally posted by s_wrenn

Hit the Home key on your keyboard and it'll shoot back up for ya

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |

True enough, but I use three different keyboards in a day, and the home key is in different places on all of them. It's not a big thing, I know, but it would make things slightly easier.

There's a perfect explanation for the shit that I've been in. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
s_wrenn Posted - 07/31/2007 : 05:39:53
Hit the Home key on your keyboard and it'll shoot back up for ya

/ @ * ~ ¦ ¬ . , |

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