T O P I C R E V I E W |
bumblebeeboy2 |
Posted - 10/13/2004 : 09:36:40 i was thinking, would it be a good idea (and i'm assuming it's not already in place) to have a list of links to forum member's bands, either in a sticky thread in the tabs and musicians thread or someone (and i don't mind doing this) puts up a page somewhere with them on. would be nice to have them on fb.net some place though.
The Monkey Helper has arrived http://www.monkeyhelper.co.uk (that is my band) |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Homers_pet_monkey |
Posted - 12/27/2004 : 16:55:19 quote: Originally posted by apl4eris
Think I'm going to file my "FBnet Salon" thread under "Topics I Made Sadly No One Paid Attention or Replied To, Yet A Similar Subject Brought Up Got Gazillions of Enthusiastic Responses" (TIMS NO PARTY ASS BUGGER) for short.

RIP Rest In Peace Jacques Derrida. rasta. ruowa. freedom from activity. a brief pause in reading. a rhythmic silence in music.
I nominate this for 'The Most Clever Post Ever!'
Seriously Apl, how the hell did you come up with that? You are wasted here, wasted I tell thee.
Help me! He keeps making me post!
bumblebeeboy2 |
Posted - 10/19/2004 : 13:19:25 quote: Originally posted by the tolerant
Hey Bumble, I just checked out "I Know", and gotta say i like it. alot. please dont get me wrong, but i just love songs that deliver the goods and yet seem so simple. the riff you got goin along with the vocals sorta reminds me of Beatles/George Harrison type mantra songs. I know you dont need my seal of approval but.....the boy done good!
cool! thanks! i do need your seal of approval. gives the motivation and ego a much needed boost! many thanks!
The Monkey Helper has arrived http://www.monkeyhelper.co.uk (that is my band) |
GypsyDeath |
Posted - 10/19/2004 : 12:49:18 Yep, you got me simon.
God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex |
the tolerant |
Posted - 10/19/2004 : 11:57:09 Hey Bumble, I just checked out "I Know", and gotta say i like it. alot. please dont get me wrong, but i just love songs that deliver the goods and yet seem so simple. the riff you got goin along with the vocals sorta reminds me of Beatles/George Harrison type mantra songs. I know you dont need my seal of approval but.....the boy done good!
bumblebeeboy2 |
Posted - 10/19/2004 : 10:52:05 i *KNEW* it!
The Monkey Helper has arrived http://www.monkeyhelper.co.uk (that is my band) |
GypsyDeath |
Posted - 10/17/2004 : 08:01:48 quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
Mel, if it were your idea, I could never get Dave to agree to it - you know that we have a policy of not using anything you come up with. :)
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"
You, no kidding!!! I realised that a long time ago! You would of thought you could put it all behind us, but no. Dave, please, just forgive me!!!!
Oh screw it. It wasnt my idea. Everything I say i actually steal off Bumble.
God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex |
KimStanleyRobinson |
Posted - 10/15/2004 : 11:30:40 I say a sticky thread for JUST bands is good idea.
The rich girl uses vaseline. Poor girl uses lard. My girl uses axle grease but she takes it twice as hard. |
Cult_Of_Frank |
Posted - 10/15/2004 : 08:36:57 Mel, if it were your idea, I could never get Dave to agree to it - you know that we have a policy of not using anything you come up with. :)
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)" |
GypsyDeath |
Posted - 10/15/2004 : 08:15:42 quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
Fear not. I'm sure I was an idiot. I see the anagram now clear as day. What if we had a section of the forum called the Salon (as opposed to just a thread) and it could have an art, music, prose, ...? section)?
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"
Trying to claim my ideas as your own! what cheek!!!# But yes, again, i think we should have a section specifically for these bits..
*see forum sections in this bit *
God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex |
Monsieur |
Posted - 10/14/2004 : 11:00:44 You should re-read my "make a good topic" thread!
I will show you fear in a handful of dust |
apl4eris |
Posted - 10/14/2004 : 10:43:31 A sticky is a nice idea bumble. I really think we should do this!
I was only kidding. My Salon thread was just ill-conceived...just like most of my threads...*sigh*....

RIP Rest In Peace Jacques Derrida. rasta. ruowa. freedom from activity. a brief pause in reading. a rhythmic silence in music. |
bumblebeeboy2 |
Posted - 10/14/2004 : 10:37:43 that sounds good, for a start! and a sticky thread in it with links to people's art/music/writings/stuff? just so there's a starting point so people aren't constantly plugging their stuff, a simple 'i've updated this...' can be added to it?
(sorry if i stole ideas!) 
The Monkey Helper has arrived http://www.monkeyhelper.co.uk (that is my band) |
Cult_Of_Frank |
Posted - 10/14/2004 : 09:30:10 Fear not. I'm sure I was an idiot. I see the anagram now clear as day. What if we had a section of the forum called the Salon (as opposed to just a thread) and it could have an art, music, prose, ...? section)?
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)" |
apl4eris |
Posted - 10/14/2004 : 08:51:44 quote: Originally posted by Cult_Of_Frank
Ummm ... ?
Sorry Jen, you've lost me several degrees ago.
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)"
Meep. I wish I could say I was drunk when I posted that. Was just making light of the fact that the FB Salon thread that I started a while back was meant to showcase members' bands, art, creative endeavors, and it just went nowhere. Floop has a thread right now about "Topics you were going to start but didn't", so I ran with the idea. Then I discovered with a little tweaking I could make a silly acronym. That'll show me to try to be clever! 
RIP Rest In Peace Jacques Derrida. rasta. ruowa. freedom from activity. a brief pause in reading. a rhythmic silence in music. |
GypsyDeath |
Posted - 10/14/2004 : 08:10:43 I think these are some really good ideas. Lets expand the FB.net network. And soon it shall become an empire, and then, the WORLD!!!!!!!!!mwahaha
God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex |
Cult_Of_Frank |
Posted - 10/13/2004 : 22:45:51 Ummm ... ?
Sorry Jen, you've lost me several degrees ago.
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)" |
apl4eris |
Posted - 10/13/2004 : 22:01:17 Hmm.
Think I'm going to file my "FBnet Salon" thread under "Topics I Made Sadly No One Paid Attention or Replied To, Yet A Similar Subject Brought Up Got Gazillions of Enthusiastic Responses" (TIMS NO PARTY ASS BUGGER) for short.

RIP Rest In Peace Jacques Derrida. rasta. ruowa. freedom from activity. a brief pause in reading. a rhythmic silence in music. |
bumblebeeboy2 |
Posted - 10/13/2004 : 14:58:29 ...more thinking... this could be extended to a compilation cd mix (or 2...) of our bands... maybe an online radio station (i know some people who have set them up, am keen to look into it, obviously would add material from other bands online that are recommended, not exclusively fb.net posters)... well, some ideas.
The Monkey Helper has arrived http://www.monkeyhelper.co.uk (that is my band) |
bumblebeeboy2 |
Posted - 10/13/2004 : 10:39:45 indeed. my post was originally in reply to your thread, then decided it would be best here!
The Monkey Helper has arrived http://www.monkeyhelper.co.uk (that is my band) |
Cult_Of_Frank |
Posted - 10/13/2004 : 09:57:20 Given that I've just posted my own band's website an hour ago, it might look self-serving to say this sounds like a good idea, but it does.
"Join the Cult of Frank 2.0 / And you'll be enlightened (free for 1.x members)" |