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 Teenager Of The Year inspired art

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Active Duck Posted - 02/07/2025 : 07:56:05
Absolutely LOVED the show at London Palladium last night. In the build up to the gig I decided to channel my excitement into creating something. It has been fun starting with no plan, listening to the album on repeat, and letting the lyrics lead the way.


10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sprite Posted - 02/14/2025 : 13:20:49
I love this!! What a fantastic piece of art. Would have worked great on a inner album sleeve on the vinyl.
Active Duck Posted - 02/14/2025 : 03:55:47
Originally posted by peter radiator


I actually think the problem is on my end. I can't seem to change the email address on my account or add an website or some links.

Not sure what I am doing wrong. Things seem like they may be glitchy on the back-end, but it may just be me!


"Rebuilding Western North Carolina Through Song"

Check out my Ultra-Indie Record Label: https://FakeFangs.com

Just a note to say that I emailed you Peter Radiator. Let me know if it didn't make it to your inbox.
Brank_Flack Posted - 02/10/2025 : 05:49:12
Yeah, this is really fantastic.
Troubles A Foot Posted - 02/08/2025 : 07:21:24
peter radiator Posted - 02/08/2025 : 05:37:15

Cool. I'll send you an email later Jim. I've got no idea what email address I signed up to this forum with. Possibly one I haven't used for a good while.


I actually think the problem is on my end. I can't seem to change the email address on my account or add an website or some links.

Not sure what I am doing wrong. Things seem like they may be glitchy on the back-end, but it may just be me!


"Rebuilding Western North Carolina Through Song"

Check out my Ultra-Indie Record Label: https://FakeFangs.com
Active Duck Posted - 02/08/2025 : 01:55:10
Originally posted by peter radiator

Hey Active Duck, I am trying to send you a private message via email through the forum, but for some technical reason it is not letting me do so.

If you get a chance, please shoot me a note at the following address, as I would like to chat with you about your awesome drawing!


Email: jim@wickedmessenger (dot com)

Jim / Peter Radiator


"Real music is out there and real people are making it." ~ Webb Wilder

Cool. I'll send you an email later Jim. I've got no idea what email address I signed up to this forum with. Possibly one I haven't used for a good while.
Active Duck Posted - 02/08/2025 : 01:52:29
Originally posted by danjersey

It reminds me (in a good way) of a placemat at a truck stop where you get crayons to color it in and solve problems or finish a maze
I really like it

Oh yeah! Even without ever being to a truck stop I totally get that reference. Thanks Dan! It ended up being single colour like that because I got too ambitious and ran out of time. Most of my work is more colourful than this these days.

I was making art for some of the individual songs too. I'll post them here if I get them finished.
peter radiator Posted - 02/07/2025 : 15:29:24
Hey Active Duck, I am trying to send you a private message via email through the forum, but for some technical reason it is not letting me do so.

If you get a chance, please shoot me a note at the following address, as I would like to chat with you about your awesome drawing!


Email: jim@wickedmessenger (dot com)

Jim / Peter Radiator


"Real music is out there and real people are making it." ~ Webb Wilder
danjersey Posted - 02/07/2025 : 09:05:10
It reminds me (in a good way) of a placemat at a truck stop where you get crayons to color it in and solve problems or finish a maze
I really like it
Bedbug Posted - 02/07/2025 : 08:52:19
Love it Duck, thanks for sharing!

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