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 village of the sun

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
two reelers Posted - 02/06/2006 : 09:23:45
i'm just re-discovering this song. i think it is pretty much forgotten! like it a lot...

"Well I was more than just a little proud
To think that the opinions of the rocks and clouds
Would even give us recognition"

-isn't that beautiful and so true?

anybody has any ideas about the song ? any clue what it could be about, or by what it was inspired ? what or where is the village of the sun? there is also a zappa song with the same name...

anyways, anybody happen to have the tabs ? i did the forum search, and everything that came out was the link to a homepage of somebody, but that page doesn't exist anymore...

frnck blck, are you out there to help out?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 02/21/2006 : 17:16:27
It sounds like he's an I echo, it decays to me...

"If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."
Ziggy Posted - 02/21/2006 : 16:23:41
Such a beast of a song, which I'm rediscovering. What a guy :D
fbc Posted - 02/10/2006 : 13:18:38
MMD Posted - 02/10/2006 : 12:23:39

Ooah echo it decays (?)
I hear a sound it is delayed
And I know that help is on the way
To the village of the sun

fbc Posted - 02/10/2006 : 10:04:15
Originally posted by kathryn

Well it's more than just a little bit loud
But I'll be more than just a little proud
To think that the opinions of rocks and the of clouds
Would even give us any recognition

Oh I echo in to caves

Of course a cannon makes a ruckus

Sam Posted - 02/10/2006 : 08:45:37
we can try and maybe fly us

right out the village of the sun

Awesome track, this and can i get a witness.
kathryn Posted - 02/10/2006 : 07:37:23
Frank writes on Oddballs that in Village of the Sun he's "trying to sound
like Springsteen AND Dylan."

The lyrics, to the best of my ability -- can you guys help fill in the blanks? Thanks!

Well I've been hanging down side up
Feeling really banged up
Wishing everybody would shut up
In the village of the sun

Well it's more than just a little bit loud
But I'll be more than just a little proud
To think that the opinions of rocks and the clouds
Would even give us recognition

Oh I something something (?)
I hear a sound that is delayed
I know that help is on the way
To the village of the sun

To the powers that be
To the powers that be
To an hour to be

Is it the intention of that child
To be a bastard in the wild
Eventually moved to his inventions (?)

Like the invention of a cannon
?Cause a cannon makes a ruckus
Or like the lady in that circus
We can try and something (?) us
Right out of the village of the sun

To the powers that be
To the powers that be
To an hour to be

Maybe I've said enough
I wasn't trying to be all funny
And I wasn't trying to be all tough
I'm almost done

Doesn't matter what I see
That matter will say of me
Ain't that the way
In the village of the sun

To the powers that be
To the powers that be
To an hour to be

I got some heaven in my head

two reelers Posted - 02/10/2006 : 06:58:28

we demand a reunion of the very original catholics (w. lyle) in order to tour the world with COR songs (including bonus tracks) only.


Two Reelers

fumanbru Posted - 02/08/2006 : 17:50:18
Originally posted by billgoodman

Originally posted by vilainde

For Frog:

Originally posted by billgoodman
ohh yes! Announcement, Pray a little Faster and You never heard about me, are better than most COR-tracks too

Oh, and I disagree. Nothing's better than most COR tracks. But these songs are still great.


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

It would be a sad and boring world if we would always agree
But still

God save the Noisies

i agree with bill and frog on this one. sorry dennis. even though i really like cor.

and with two reelers. village of the sun is great. not sure what it's about though. and i don't think i've ever seen the lyrics.

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
billgoodman Posted - 02/08/2006 : 03:54:32
Originally posted by vilainde

For Frog:

Originally posted by billgoodman
ohh yes! Announcement, Pray a little Faster and You never heard about me, are better than most COR-tracks too

Oh, and I disagree. Nothing's better than most COR tracks. But these songs are still great.


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!

It would be a sad and boring world if we would always agree
But still

God save the Noisies
scruvs Posted - 02/07/2006 : 18:28:23
Originally posted by two reelers

scruvs, thanks !

btw, how do you & OMIACC like the shirt ?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band

It's great. I need to take a pic and put it up. BTW, I noticed that logo on the back of the HANG ON TO YOUR EGO single Made in England that I found at the record store today. It's the same FB logo except he's riding a surf board.

Boy, you sure can holler.
vilainde Posted - 02/07/2006 : 05:44:21
For Frog:

Originally posted by billgoodman
ohh yes! Announcement, Pray a little Faster and You never heard about me, are better than most COR-tracks too

Oh, and I disagree. Nothing's better than most COR tracks. But these songs are still great.


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!
two reelers Posted - 02/07/2006 : 05:16:58
scruvs, thanks !

btw, how do you & OMIACC like the shirt ?

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
billgoodman Posted - 02/07/2006 : 04:52:15
Originally posted by Frog in the Sand

The COR bonus cd is excellent. Much better than COR itself, IMO.

"I want to change the world but it's changing me!"

ohh yes! Announcement, Pray a little Faster and You never heard about me, are better than most COR-tracks too

God save the Noisies
scruvs Posted - 02/07/2006 : 01:59:25
You might already have it, but a bootleg from a '96 FB solo show in Santa Monica, CA (I believe). Frank mentions the Zappa song.


Boy, you sure can holler.
Frog in the Sand Posted - 02/06/2006 : 10:51:24
The COR bonus cd is excellent. Much better than COR itself, IMO.

"I want to change the world but it's changing me!"
toeknee Posted - 02/06/2006 : 10:28:25
I always think of it as in inferior version of The Last Stand of Shazed Andleeb.
fbc Posted - 02/06/2006 : 09:49:04
it's a like-a-lotable tune, my favourite line "wishing that everybody would shut up", just asbeautiful and true.

i tabbed the song a while ago but it's still as inaccurate as it was back then. it holds up well, but I know my tabs never do Frank's songs justice, they're more the backbone than the meat.


feel free to correct away, frnck.

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