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 Violet (the song)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toeknee Posted - 11/17/2004 : 14:01:06
I noticed with disgust that the song Violet is to remain on the forthcoming Honeycomb album, whereas superior songs such as Sad Man's Song and Where The Wind Is Going are to be left off.

I feel that perhaps Frank is putting his heart ahead of his head. To make a song about his ex an A-side and his current girlfriend (Strange Goodbye) a B-side would look a little strange, but it's necessary to keep the album as strong as it is.


p.s. maybe this belongs in Frank Black Makng Noise, but this forum needs some new topics - it seems almost dead at the moment!
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
billgoodman Posted - 11/21/2004 : 23:58:10
Originally posted by Jontiven

Anything to keep my cult happy.


as long as I don't have to give up my balls
I will stay here forever
I could stay here forever actually

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
Jose Jones Posted - 11/21/2004 : 20:58:35
i saw ellis hook's album at best buy and thought of you with nothing but fond memories. stick around, man.

also, i have yet to hear anything off Honey [i'm getting the nickname started right now] or its sister album, and i simply can't wait for them to be released.


they were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Jontiven Posted - 11/21/2004 : 18:16:27
Anything to keep my cult happy.

billgoodman Posted - 11/21/2004 : 03:24:54
I think it's cool that you are back here jon

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
martha_promise Posted - 11/21/2004 : 01:23:33
Especially sincerely written, without the sarcastic pretentious bullshit that seems to radiate through the majority of a lot of stuff.

"Violet" has a great dynamic in and of itself running along side "Strange Goodbye."

~~Come inside, or...Go Away.~~
Daisy Girl Posted - 11/20/2004 : 23:20:05
I haven't heard the album, but I am sure the song is great. As are all the other ones on there. On top of it, I think it is incredibly sweet that Frank wrote a song about Violet. How very wonderful, romantic and just darn cool. I say all the power to him to be writing about a real subject and his real feelings.... you don't see too much of that in music these days.

Jontiven Posted - 11/20/2004 : 16:14:15
As far as I can tell, yes. And "All Around The World" is indeed on the "second" album. At least for the present.

dayanara Posted - 11/20/2004 : 13:21:45
I think Frank calls it "Honey" in the chat.

Jon (if you're still here), did you guys get to finish mixing the new albums while the band was in Chicago?

Around here, intolerance will not be tolerated
billgoodman Posted - 11/20/2004 : 07:59:59
I will settle for HC

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
The Holiday Son Posted - 11/20/2004 : 07:08:13
I really don't like the actual version of Violet (I was restraining myself from saying it but since there is a thread about it).
On the other hand, All Around the World is gorgeous, so I hope it will be on one of the albums.

nb: I guess Honeycomb will be called HC.
two reelers Posted - 11/19/2004 : 04:59:15
lets just call it 'H'

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
vilainde Posted - 11/19/2004 : 04:32:33
BTW... What's gonna be the new album's short name? It's quite easy to talk about SMYT, BLD or TOTY, but Pistolero is always called by its full name and I think Honeycomb is gonna take the same path. We could call it Hcb but it looks weird.


"I believe in your perfect face..."
two reelers Posted - 11/19/2004 : 04:13:55
Talking about the underrated songs of Honeycomb, with initials: KMR is smashing, IMO. And so is AIMH (Atom in my Heart)

I joined the cult of Souled American / 'cause they are a damn' fine band
vilainde Posted - 11/19/2004 : 02:10:00
Thanks for confirming what I thought, Jon. I do hope Sad Man's Song and Kiss My Ring are gonna appear on the 2nd CD. To be fair, I thought KMR (can we start calling the new songs by their initials yet?) is an awesome song but the keyboards weren't that great in the leaked version. If it was re-recorded for the 2nd session, that's fabulous.


"I believe in your perfect face..."
Jontiven Posted - 11/18/2004 : 15:18:52
Calm down, ye of little faith. Nothing will be discarded. Remember, we're making TWO records. They will probably NOT be combined, but some songs which were initially cut for HONEYCOMB have been remixed for the yet-to-be-named album.

I would suggest that if you have any complaints with the final track listing you should wait until both albums have been issued, and with luck BOTH may be in your hands by this time next year.

By the way, anybody see that show in Chicago last night?

dogjones Posted - 11/18/2004 : 13:06:46
hate to tip my hand that ive even heard it...but violet is amazing...

if you're the type that enjoys the stripped-down "demo" songs frank has done in the past then a good chunk of you will love violet. there is a beauty in minimalism for some of us. minimal is so easy to screw up and come off as flat, when it works its nice.

for reference...i think Velvet Nightmare is the weakest track on the "early-mix" floating around...i cant wait for the final mix and expanded tracks.
Sir Mike Posted - 11/18/2004 : 10:54:51
His choice though I think. When I make recordings there are just some songs that stay. Maybe others think they're lower quality but they have a certain effect on the maker that is positively chilling. I leave them on myself. Frank Black's record so I'll let him do the picking as he sees fit, no complaints.

Do you ever really know who you are?
toeknee Posted - 11/18/2004 : 08:40:42
Originally posted by billgoodman

Originally posted by toeknee

I feel that perhaps Frank is putting his heart ahead of his head. To make a song about his ex an A-side and his current girlfriend (Strange Goodbye) a B-side would look a little strange, but it's necessary to keep the album as strong as it is.

weird sentence, you mean Strange Goodbye (about his ex) should be on the album and Violet (about his current girl) shouldn't be

and btw
I love it when artists make records from the heart instead of the head.

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"

I meant that I can understand why Frank has put Violet on, as if it were left off it might seem as if he was putting Jean before Violet. Just a thought! And the songs he selects should be on their own individual merit and not through sentimental attachment.
billgoodman Posted - 11/18/2004 : 05:46:27
Originally posted by toeknee

I feel that perhaps Frank is putting his heart ahead of his head. To make a song about his ex an A-side and his current girlfriend (Strange Goodbye) a B-side would look a little strange, but it's necessary to keep the album as strong as it is.

weird sentence, you mean Strange Goodbye (about his ex) should be on the album and Violet (about his current girl) shouldn't be

and btw
I love it when artists make records from the heart instead of the head.

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
billgoodman Posted - 11/18/2004 : 05:41:24
I don't like the wind is going

I say violet is cool
Frank must know that people are going to talk about is personal life
when he writes about it himself and talks openly in interviews about
divorce, childeren etc.

Still it is his decision to include or exclude songs

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
dayanara Posted - 11/17/2004 : 14:45:56
Well I haven't heard Violet or anything else off the new album yet, but then again, neither have you. The stuff that was leaked isn't the finished product, and I really don't think it's anyones place to complain about something that we won't get to hear for the next 6 months. And I'm sure Frank wouldn't put a mediocre song on the album just to keep his lady happy.

Around here, intolerance will not be tolerated

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