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 Last night I had the strangest dream...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
FrequencyOfGlow Posted - 09/01/2009 : 18:55:49
I was watching an episode of WKRP In Cincinnati and the entire cast broke into a rendition of "I'm Not Dead, I'm in Pittsburgh." Judging by the laugh track, it was hilarious. I didn't find it so funny, but chalked it up to a generational shift in humor.

Anyone else out there have any bizarre FB-related dreams?

I think the winter is going to be a real whirligig
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cult_Of_Frank Posted - 09/17/2009 : 20:08:27
That's great!

"Now you're officially my woman. Kudos. I can't say I don't envy you."
coastline Posted - 09/17/2009 : 19:03:05
Originally posted by FrequencyOfGlow

I was watching an episode of WKRP In Cincinnati and the entire cast broke into a rendition of "I'm Not Dead, I'm in Pittsburgh." Judging by the laugh track, it was hilarious. I didn't find it so funny, but chalked it up to a generational shift in humor.

Anyone else out there have any bizarre FB-related dreams?

I think the winter is going to be a real whirligig

Speaking of that, my 7-year-old pointed out this Calvin and Hobbes strip recently:

Please pardon me, for these my wrongs.
Joey Joe Jo Jr. Chabadoo Posted - 09/04/2009 : 01:46:30
Tonight I dreamt I was at a Pixies concert full of surprise...

First they started with a version of Letter to Memphis. Kim and Frank were alternating the vocals, the latter saying "Kim, it's your turn" before her part. Sounded good though as if they were rehearsing. Then they surprised everyone with a cover of the theme of the anime Saint Seya sung in French. Big crowd pleaser.
Then the son of Joey Santiago, human incarnation of the son of Hermes Conrad from Futurama, guest to play the solo of Wave of Mutilation Uk surf. He had to play twice for there was a problem of amplification and I had to hold a microphone in front of his guitar. The guitar being surprisingly an inflatable one... Then the crowd invaded the stage and started to talk to the members. Everyone were around Kim and Black seemed alone. I hesitated to come and speak to him fearing that I would annoy him again. He was wearing long hair at the beginning of the show and very short at the end...
Then I switched to another situation.

I would be interested in anyone giving me an interpretation.

trobrianders Posted - 09/02/2009 : 02:53:02
That's a good one. Hold on to what's precious. I had one where I was high above the weather. The experience of having frequency all around was more real than I could ever have imagined in wake time.

Ed is the hoo hoo
Jose Jones Posted - 09/02/2009 : 02:12:29
just the other night i had one where frank was in the house across the street and a dream friend of mine went over there to tell him how he's a huge fan. he kept going on and on, though, and frank was obviously getting annoyed. when the dream friend finally came back, michael ian black and i berated him for being so rude.

they were the heroes of old, men of renown.

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