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 Congratulations CMKT3

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cheeseman1000 Posted - 04/20/2006 : 10:32:23
THURSDAY, April 20, 2006


Pixies' frontman FRANK BLACK and his wife VIOLET welcomed a baby daughter
this morning. Lucy Berlin Thompson was born at a Eugene, OR hospital at
5:30AM, weighing in at just shy of 8 lbs., 10 oz. She joins siblings Jack
(18 months), Annabelle (5 years) and Julian (8 years). Mother and daughter
are doing exceedingly well, and papa Frank is over the moon. "She's
gorgeous. She's got lips like Angelina Jolie!"

I have joined the Cult Of Frank/And I have dearly paid
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
endofmiles Posted - 04/27/2006 : 14:21:24
Congratulations Mr Frank and Family,

For so many years i'm following your musical career, and now i'm following how your family is groing. It's like: "Man! this guy is my brother!;-)
Well, i'm just a guy who likes your music a lot...
See you soon....on stage...

Carl Posted - 04/25/2006 : 18:03:59
And rockin' he is!!

fumanbru Posted - 04/25/2006 : 17:43:11
congrats sir rockaby! and family!

"I joined the Cult of Frank/ cause I'm a real go-getter!"
mergzez7 Posted - 04/24/2006 : 13:42:54
Next time you want a child i'll bear it. Cheh!

Hatchetman Posted - 04/24/2006 : 06:34:10
Great news! Congratulations to you all.


As the air conditioner hummed....
Apesy Posted - 04/22/2006 : 11:45:11
That's great, Frank! Congrats.

Holy Fingers Posted - 04/22/2006 : 04:46:58
Very pleasing to my ears. Best wishes to the entire Thompson family.

"When you've done something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"
ccuadros Posted - 04/21/2006 : 16:51:34
Felicitaciones por la nueva bebita!!!

kfs Posted - 04/21/2006 : 14:20:37
Could we see a picture, please?
billgoodman Posted - 04/21/2006 : 12:48:06
Frank, Violet and Jack
gefeliciteerd met de geboorte van jullie dochter en zus!

God save the Noisies
kelladwella Posted - 04/21/2006 : 09:13:35
Lucy Berlin. Now THAT'S a cool name.

A warm welcome from your second name.
heile Posted - 04/21/2006 : 09:01:39
gary13th Posted - 04/21/2006 : 02:44:41
Congrats !!!!

I joined the Cult of the Catholics, Oh when will they return ?
vilainde Posted - 04/21/2006 : 01:13:03
Congrats! Best of luck for all the family.

(Simon... That's CMKT4)


I love Guitar Wolf from the Erath!
TAMAL Posted - 04/20/2006 : 22:42:02

my shirt is shitty!
beckett trance Posted - 04/20/2006 : 21:39:48
Excellent news! Get a guitar in her hands! Congrats!

** feeling deluxe for just a couple of bucks **
Daisy Girl Posted - 04/20/2006 : 20:39:15
so happy to hear the great news. glad to hear everything is going well! lucy is such a cool name :) Cheers to your growing family!
freakin phreak Posted - 04/20/2006 : 19:50:59
congrats to the man!!!

a day late, a dollar short
Nova Posted - 04/20/2006 : 18:56:32

D-a-wg Sleep (Buh-Buh)
silvereel Posted - 04/20/2006 : 18:24:13
Congrats Frank. I wish the best to you and yours.

I joined the Cult of Something Not Right/Just out of mind and memory
starmekitten Posted - 04/20/2006 : 17:45:24
well done with the baby making!

forum ebook - "on the road" theme - help wanted
1965 Posted - 04/20/2006 : 16:58:07
Three Cheers for CMKT version 3.0 aka LBT.

(( I'm a Snake... cut in half 'cause I'm not the one you needed. ))
Ziggy Posted - 04/20/2006 : 15:11:16
Oh, that's lovely news. All the best to the family.
Carolynanna Posted - 04/20/2006 : 14:49:27

When she gets older you can say;
Lucy you got some splainin to do...
(Oh god someone had to say it...)

Don't believe the hype.
offerw Posted - 04/20/2006 : 14:05:38
Congratulations to the Thompson family.

Conrad Posted - 04/20/2006 : 12:52:05
Til hamingju!
hickster9 Posted - 04/20/2006 : 12:23:57
Congratulations, and welcome, Lucy, to the world!

I like cows, they go moo when they eat
mosleyk Posted - 04/20/2006 : 12:18:56
Congratulations!!! Love the name!
Frog in the Sand Posted - 04/20/2006 : 12:02:12
Official congrats from the Embassy of Massif Central in Oregon!

"The following tale of me is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is: No." (The Simpson Files)
Carl Posted - 04/20/2006 : 11:54:09
Congratulations Frank, Violet and family!! Lucy Berlin-what a beautiful name!!

cassandra is Posted - 04/20/2006 : 11:45:32

pas de bras pas de chocolat
scruvs Posted - 04/20/2006 : 11:43:09

Here's your horoscope according to astrology.com, little Lucy:

A little kindness on your part can lighten a heavy situation. Exercise your sense of compassion and really work to understand the other person's point of view. You'll find that you're able to truly communicate.

Boy, you sure can holler.
Broken Face Posted - 04/20/2006 : 11:41:37
I almost forgot...congrats!

pixiestu Posted - 04/20/2006 : 11:41:02

"The arc of triumph"
pixie punk Posted - 04/20/2006 : 11:31:27
Felicidades!!! Congratulations to Charles,Violet,Jack,Annabelle and Julian on the arrival of their newest family member.All the Blessings to Lucy from La Isla Del Encanto!!!

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