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T O P I C    R E V I E W
the thing Posted - 11/17/2004 : 06:46:58
Wondered this for a while - I've got a few Pigface albums from my past daliances with Industrial Dance music - and noticed that Frank is credited on a good few of them (he's also mentioned in the EMusic biog of the band) does anyone know his involvement with the outfit - its always intrigued me?

Forget the cults I got me a whole church!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TarTar Posted - 11/22/2004 : 05:12:53
Yeah, I have Welcome to Mexico... Asshole and noticed he's credited. I want to find out where he is on the disc, but I can't tolerate listening to it to find out.

Let 'em riot. We're Sonic-fuckin'-Death Monkey.
Daisy Girl Posted - 11/20/2004 : 23:22:44
Wow that is so intersting... I can't remember what Pigface stuff I used to have but I know I had two albums... one I think was an ep with Suck. I love that song! I had an album too... never saw them live tho... but they're a good band.

billgoodman Posted - 11/18/2004 : 05:47:14
never heard of it...

"I joined the cult of Jon Tiven/Bye!"
Excuse me please Posted - 11/17/2004 : 14:13:03
Frank and Joey play on a song called Dog. You can get it on an album called Preaching to the Perverted. It's a cool song. It's pretty much just an instrumental. The rest of the album is fair at best.
ObfuscateByWill Posted - 11/17/2004 : 08:39:04
He's listed as a member on the "Welcome to Mexico ...Asshole" album.

Maybe they just sampled his screaming a couple of times?

Take a bite of the chocolate coffin.

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