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 Album no. 9

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
billgoodman Posted - 10/01/2022 : 01:35:25
What we know (in chronical order):

- Doggerel was made with the 40 demo's/ideas that Frank (and a couple more from Joey) brought to the sessions. They had some good songs that didn't fit the record so they were put aside (acording to FBF in the French Rolling Stone)

- Paz says the band worked on 16 of the 40 songs (bass magazine interview) [12 were released on Doggerel]

- In april (source?) of 2022 the Pixies and Tom Dalgety recorded for a week in Rockfield Studios (Wales).

- One of the songs Frank liked from the demo's, but did not do during the Doggerel-sessions, that they tried to record in Wales. Bluesy, stomper song, "I enjoyed it as an acoustic demo" [...] they tried to make it bigger, better and louder, but "in the end it was just too loud", "too much information". It didn't work out, it was failure, "thank god we didn't release this because we were in a rush"
(interview on Raised on Radio)

- Joey brought some songs to the table again (working titles Howie's Garage, I hear you mary, Taking care of bid'ness, according to Uncut interview). They recorded three ideas in Rockfield (according to Under the Radar interview), maybe those three?

- Paz recorded two songs for it (according to BF in French interview)

- Frank to SPIN: [On Doggerel] "I think that’s one more writing collaboration than has appeared on any other disc in the Pixies catalog. I imagine there will be much more collaboration forthcoming. I sense it.”

- Session in Wales didn't go that well, acording to FBF in Ultimate Music Guide :
"I was not in a good mood for lots of reasons"
I was very frustrated because now Mr Fucking Producer wants to work on all the fucking artsy-fartsy scraps from the margin. I got all these 40 fucking songs I wrote, for once in my life I do my homework............Now I show up with the goods and they're like [] these werid little things that you didn't intend over here bla bla
[ ]
I threw my notebook on top of the roof [..] I threw about three temper tantrums in about eight days

- Joey in Under the Radar:
"we have recorded so far about seven or eight demos for the next album. There will be a ninth album, we’re planning that already. After a good amount of a break, we will start recording again some time next year. We’re already kicking around what part of the world to work and record in next time"

- October 2023: Pixies record a new session with Tom Dalgety at Guilford Sounds, same place were Doggerel was recorded

- Paz leaves the band in october 2023 - march 2024

- Pixies play Vegas Suite, a new song, on the Bossanova Trompe tour

- Pixies rehearse a new song, which is posted on instagram: https://fb.watch/qROLONNt-1/

- Frank Black plays a new song, which is posted on instagram:

- 11 song titles are published on the BMI website

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johnnyribcage Posted - 06/08/2024 : 17:47:44
Originally posted by billgoodman

Originally posted by oddball

Looks like something is being recorded in Nashville:

Or maybe this should be posted under the Frank Black thread? Nashville... acoustic guitar....just FB appearing in the picture. Maybe the TOTY anniversary tour will be accompanied by a new FB album?

But it says "with Pixies" as a tag on FB.
A recording of Dig for Fire is used on Instagram with this photo
A new solo FB would be awesome though

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?

I would sacrifice the ol’ proverbial left nut for a new solo FBF album right about now. Unfortunately I think the family jewels are more than safe and sound at this time.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
billgoodman Posted - 06/08/2024 : 09:34:38
Originally posted by oddball

Looks like something is being recorded in Nashville:

Or maybe this should be posted under the Frank Black thread? Nashville... acoustic guitar....just FB appearing in the picture. Maybe the TOTY anniversary tour will be accompanied by a new FB album?

But it says "with Pixies" as a tag on FB.
A recording of Dig for Fire is used on Instagram with this photo
A new solo FB would be awesome though

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
oddball Posted - 06/08/2024 : 06:48:23
Looks like something is being recorded in Nashville:

Or maybe this should be posted under the Frank Black thread? Nashville... acoustic guitar....just FB appearing in the picture. Maybe the TOTY anniversary tour will be accompanied by a new FB album?
Ziggy Posted - 06/07/2024 : 11:19:59
Originally posted by Brank_Flack

Originally posted by Jamie

Originally posted by tamefan

granted, i haven't heard this new track (will wait for the album; no spoilers!)

Given they haven't announced anything about the album this may be a standalone single, like Human Crime.

I agree. It'll probably be like the Hear Me Out/Mambo Sun double A-side.

Those were leftovers from the BTE sessions though. It'll be interesting to see what's happened to the Guilford Sound material. They'll want to recoup their costs there somehow!
Brank_Flack Posted - 06/07/2024 : 09:09:11
Originally posted by Jamie

Originally posted by tamefan

granted, i haven't heard this new track (will wait for the album; no spoilers!)

Given they haven't announced anything about the album this may be a standalone single, like Human Crime.

I agree. It'll probably be like the Hear Me Out/Mambo Sun double A-side.
Jamie Posted - 06/07/2024 : 08:00:17
Originally posted by tamefan

granted, i haven't heard this new track (will wait for the album; no spoilers!)

Given they haven't announced anything about the album this may be a standalone single, like Human Crime.
billgoodman Posted - 06/06/2024 : 23:24:56
Just heard it again. I really like Emma's vocals in the second verse.
It's a simple, fun and a bit of a boring song. It should have been even faster, because it doesn't do much.

What is Joey doing in this song, if I may ask? His tone isn't interesting, his lines in the chorus are so plain.
The solo sounds improvised, which should be a good thing, but isn't exactly off the grid either. Sounds sloppy.

Joey's work on Que Sera Sera however is beautiful.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Sprite Posted - 06/05/2024 : 03:51:58
I agree the new tune is the servicable catergory. But I think I like it better than Graveyard Hill and Vault of Heaven. And even stevens with There is a Moon On. And I consider most the majority of the songs on BTE and Doggerel to be much better than those 3. So I will stay optimistic for the album.

And if You're so Impatient is a Woman of War type one off then that would also be fine. I just shelled out £16 for the 7".

I am less worried about Dalgety production that lack of Paz. She was bringing new ideas to the studio, melding well with with FBF based from the BTE podcasts, did great counterpoint vocals on many songs (Under the Marigold, Lord has come back today) and some great bass playing (Hey Debussy) . Also based on a sample of 2 songs Emma's voice is not contrasting as well as Paz (or Kim Deals). But they may get sorted out as they write new songs together. Obviously she sang well in Band of Skulls.
billgoodman Posted - 06/05/2024 : 03:05:27
They love Tom as an organized, as a conductor, as a musical manager
FBF isn't a driving force anymore
It's all good, he has made his mark and continues to do so
Just not on that level with that youthful energy of the Catholics days

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
TheScooper Posted - 06/04/2024 : 22:13:07
As far as I've seen, they've only ever expressed satisfaction with the way Head Carrier sounds -- which is astounding, but explains why they don't feel the need to make any changes
tamefan Posted - 06/04/2024 : 17:55:25
to be fair, doggerel is nicely mixed and mastered. arguably the best out of the 2.0. records. gotta give the lads the benefit of the doubt... granted, i haven't heard this new track (will wait for the album; no spoilers!) but i would be surprised if the final mastering on the LP is a significant step down from Doggerel (which imo improved on BTE, a record whose production we cheered at the time).

maybe these singles were mixed & mastered in isolation? yes, i am coping again. it's hard for me to imagine pixies repeating these mistakes yet again. don't they regret the ill fate of head carrier? so many great tunes let down and largely forgotten about due to the production. by the way, why hasn't that record been remastered and reissued? it has "almost classic" songs that deserve to be remastered whether doing so is profitable or not. oona, paris, and baal's back, especially.
johnnyribcage Posted - 06/04/2024 : 15:46:45
Both the new chili peppers albums are really well recorded and produced. The vinyl is great. A little neutral sounding at times but really good.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
Bedbug Posted - 06/04/2024 : 15:43:27
Maybe album number 9 will be the mellow Pixies album. I love Vegas Suite but it wouldn't seem that out of place on Honeycomb.

And this discussion reminded me that when TLM came out I thought that the Head On cover (while far superior to the original) sounded way too mainstream to be on a Pixies album.
tamefan Posted - 06/04/2024 : 15:08:08
the new rhcp sounds great. here's one of the stronger instrumentals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szdzjFsHrnQ

rock music is unfashionable nowadays. a pity. there was a period in the 2000s when we had interpol, white stripes, the strokes, arctic monkeys all putting out unvarnished guitar music.
johnnyribcage Posted - 06/04/2024 : 15:05:13
And then you get hype articles with headlines like “Check out Pixies’ two huge new singles: ‘You’re So Impatient’ and ‘Que Sera, Sera’” and write-ups like: “The raging ‘You’re So Impatient’ has been described as “an explosive two-minute, nine-second Zombie attack at the mall.” Come on. Something Against you is an explosive zombie attack at the mall. And it doesn’t even need 2 minutes to do it.

It’s not terrible or anything, it’s a serviceable tune that probably would have been a B side even 5 or 6 years ago, but it’s okay. “Huge,” “raging,” and “explosive” don’t exactly come to mind though.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
Troubles A Foot Posted - 06/04/2024 : 14:46:41
What johnny says about why can't we get rocking music anymore is something I talk about all the time. I compare it to why do all movies look like shit now (jesus did you see the Beetlejuice 2 trailer?!?), and the answer seems to be digital, but there HAVE been nice looking movies made in digital and nice sounding albums made in digital. But I think the crutch of digital makes people take shortcuts and take the easier route to things which has an overall negative effect. And there's also aesthetics changing for the worse, way too loud vocals, everything smashed and too loud, and people mindlessly going along with these popular trends, even when you are an alternative indie darling band like the Pixies who should be defying convention and doing whatever they want, not looking for the next mildly accessible single. The Dalgety curse.

I also agree with the question of why is the song so lifeless. I mean it wouldn't make it a better song, but just having Frank scream or something "YOU'RE SO IMPATIEEEEENT!!!" could make it at least sort of feel like a Pixies song. It's so indifferent sounding.
Brank_Flack Posted - 06/04/2024 : 10:39:35
Yeah, I'm in agreement with both Troubles A Foot and johnnyribcage.
TheScooper Posted - 06/04/2024 : 08:43:24
Agree with every word, Johnny. When they released the tease I knew we were doomed for more of Dalgety's dry kibble the minute I heard the snare.

Like so many of the recent tunes, I think this song's real personality will be obvious live but nowhere to be found on the recording.
johnnyribcage Posted - 06/04/2024 : 02:55:46
I’m pretty underwhelmed. Que would have been a neat release as a B side when it was released however long ago that was. Impatient… eh. It’s an okay tune I suppose. Kind of sounds like a modified version of that Blur song (woo hoo!), only not as rocking.

It’s kind of flat in the way Human Crime was, but not as strong (my opinion of course). Human Crime was a one off too, and didn’t make the album, which was much stronger than that single. Maybe the same thing happening this time?

Anyway, I think it sounds a little lifeless, and it could have benefitted from getting everyone in a room together, trying to get them psyched up, and rip through it live with some room sound. It doesn’t sound lively.

I guess I’ll go back to the old production and mixing well. At this point it’s well trodden territory but it continues to be a problem. The super dry smashed drum sound and the vocals too loud and up give it a weird vibe. I think it’s a Dalgety thing. The best Pixies feature wide open ringing drums with some nice room sound to them, or if they were less organic than that, at least a nice effect to open it up or gated w/ reverb or as on Bossanova. These drums sound dead. And Charles vocals need to be backed off in the mix. It sounds best when it seems like he’s yelling across the room over the band

Why the hell can’t we get a good rock record sound anymore? It’s not just the Pixies. I think most modern rock albums sound like shit and have for years. Some are better than other of course.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
yarbles Posted - 06/04/2024 : 01:59:17
Interesting thing to think about: there's probably a nearly finished version of album 9 with Paz on it sitting on Dalgety's computer somewhere. That would be a really interesting thing to hear after a rerecorded version with Emma's parts comes out.
presley1 Posted - 06/04/2024 : 01:48:23
I ripped Que Sera from the show.


Oh my golly!
Ziggy Posted - 06/04/2024 : 00:41:16
Wouldn't take long to rerecord bass and vocal parts at all (if that is what they've decided to do). I imagine we'll get the album in one form or another before long. Even with a band of this level, there aren't many who can afford to write off a month's worth of recording.
yarbles Posted - 06/04/2024 : 00:21:31
I know the press release said Emma would be touring with them for this year, I'm thinking that was more of a PR move to buy the angle that Paz has "exited" the band and we've found someone to fill her spot for the tour.

Yet all of the social media accounts say Pixies are: Black Francis, Joey Santiago, David Lovering, Emma Richardson

And Emma is already on new recordings as well as promotional photos.

I really think she's the new permanent member, they've just not come right out and said it because they want to keep Paz's exit ambiguous
yarbles Posted - 06/04/2024 : 00:14:28
Re-recording past bass player's parts isn't new for Pixies. They did it with Kim's Indie Cindy songs, and they're doing it with Paz's album 9 songs and Que Sera Sera.

As for why Que Sera Sera now? I'm guessing an easy B-side. Hey Emma we've got this fully produced and finalized recording of a cover that the majority of people haven't heard, let's get you in the studio for a few hours to re-record the very simple bassline and backing vocals and then we have enough for a 2 song vinyl single.

Now this single buys them some time to finish/re-record the rest of Paz's parts from last October's new album sessions. Maybe they'll do that in July (they have a month off from touring) and the new album will be out early next year.
billgoodman Posted - 06/03/2024 : 23:41:19
Yes, even Joey...just like on There's a Moon On. Not only the notes, but also the tone

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Troubles A Foot Posted - 06/03/2024 : 22:34:20
Consider me not blown away by Impatient. I listen to that song and I hear nothing remotely calling to mind anything I find interesting or particular about the Pixies, or even Frank's music throughout his career. There is a chance of course that it may grow on me. It just doesn't have any personality to it.

Listening a second time. It just doesn't have those angular and surprising melodies, timing, chord progressions and musical moments I associate with the Pixies (and a lot of Frank.) The melody is so flat, the chords all go so smoothly into each other. Where's that Pixies touch? Even Joey's guitar feels kind of rote and predictable here, and it sounds kind of off to me too. I try not to be so harsh but I just don't know what's going on here.
oddball Posted - 06/03/2024 : 18:31:46
Maybe we'll at least get some more of those dressing room snippets of new songs. The thought of having to wait until next year for a full album stinks.
tamefan Posted - 06/03/2024 : 17:47:56
This is grasping at straws, but the new, high-res artwork on https://pixiesmerch.com/ advertising the single is a 3D model that someone meshed, textured, & lighted. That seems like a lot of work for a non-album single.

Yes I am coping because no album announcement.
TheScooper Posted - 06/03/2024 : 15:38:38
If I stumbled upon a magic genie, I would absolutely blow one of my wishes asking for the pixies to have never met Tom Dalgety
The Maharal Posted - 06/03/2024 : 14:29:55
Yeah didn't think much of it a year ago and don't think much of it now. Weird decision.

You're So Impatient is OK but as said already the volume shift is ridiculous. Immediately brought to mind Classic Masher, which was a fine song ruined by the production.
Ziggy Posted - 06/03/2024 : 13:53:55
Production aside (I do like the 'scrunched up' BF guitar sound of late), it's a wonderful 'ditty' as Charles would put it. Scratching my head why Que Sera Sera's getting a rerelease though.
Stevio10 Posted - 06/03/2024 : 12:21:01
Originally posted by natenate101

Originally posted by presley1

I dont understand why they'd wipe her parts, apart from not wanting to pay her royalties.

If they've done that, it's a bit shitty.

Oh my golly!

Imagine you are the band and you release an album with Paz all over it while Emma is with the group. Imagine the amount of questions they’d have to field about the switch and why Paz was good enough for the album but not to continue, etc….

Removing any recorded Paz parts helps keep her out of the conversation in general, and for this notoriously socially awkward group I’d imagine that’s a plus.

Good point. So is it Emma on You're So Impatient?

Considering she is confirmed until the end of the touring year only at this stage it would seem a bold move to have her cut her teeth on an album while she is classed as temporary.

Maybe see how the rest of the year goes, if all parties are happy then full album next year? Cool song though
Brank_Flack Posted - 06/03/2024 : 12:20:09
Originally posted by Sprite

Originally posted by Brank_Flack

I presume that's still Paz on Que Sara, Sara? If so, it might suggest that they wouldn't necessarily be opposed to releasing an album cut with Paz... The fact they're doing a double A-side, however, suggests the original album is either scrapped and they're biding time with additional content, or that the release date has been pushed back (perhaps to rework it).

You're So Impatient is fine, if not generic. I agree with the complaints about the production/mixing from verse to chorus.

I think that is a new female vocal on Que Sera Sera. I watched the TV series From so clocked the difference straight away.

Original is here


Paz sounds more breathy.

Thanks! If that is indeed the case, then the theory that the album has been delayed to re-recorded Paz's parts sounds much more likely.
Sprite Posted - 06/03/2024 : 12:13:10
Originally posted by Brank_Flack

I presume that's still Paz on Que Sara, Sara? If so, it might suggest that they wouldn't necessarily be opposed to releasing an album cut with Paz... The fact they're doing a double A-side, however, suggests the original album is either scrapped and they're biding time with additional content, or that the release date has been pushed back (perhaps to rework it).

You're So Impatient is fine, if not generic. I agree with the complaints about the production/mixing from verse to chorus.

I think that is a new female vocal on Que Sera Sera. I watched the TV series From so clocked the difference straight away.

Original is here


Paz sounds more breathy.
natenate101 Posted - 06/03/2024 : 11:43:23
Originally posted by presley1

I dont understand why they'd wipe her parts, apart from not wanting to pay her royalties.

If they've done that, it's a bit shitty.

Oh my golly!

Imagine you are the band and you release an album with Paz all over it while Emma is with the group. Imagine the amount of questions they’d have to field about the switch and why Paz was good enough for the album but not to continue, etc….

Removing any recorded Paz parts helps keep her out of the conversation in general, and for this notoriously socially awkward group I’d imagine that’s a plus.

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