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 Not worth a topic, but at least postable...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Carl Posted - 09/09/2009 : 03:04:03
Okay, so the old 'Really not worth a topic' thread is a total mess, with lots of stuff that's really not worth posting AT ALL. So, I thought I'd start a new thread for little articles and things, but not cram it with every little thing that mentions Pixies! So anyway, came across this and hopefully this is an example of something possibly worth posting:

NYTimes.com - Living With Music: A Playlist by Joanna Smith Rakoff.

1) Is She Weird, Pixies. Nowadays, when people talk about the 1990s, the first band they mention is Nirvana, but for me — and most of my college-radio-station-DJ, record-store-regular friends — that era was all about the Pixies, with their irresistible, genre-busting sound: the slow, precise bass, the shifting tempo, the eerie hiss and scream of Black Francis. In 1990, when “Bossanova” came out, I listened to it endlessly — even though it wasn’t on the level of “Doolittle” or “Come on Pilgrim” — thrilled by this brief, odd song, a freaky gloss on Macbeth: “Is she weird? / Is she white? / Is she promised to the night? / And her head has no room.” I was 18 then, and felt very weird and very white.
35   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
billgoodman Posted - 06/02/2024 : 23:05:24
Originally posted by Stevio10

Some love for Frank Black & The Catholics from Jack Black


Jack Black has a point!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Stevio10 Posted - 06/01/2024 : 11:52:52
Some love for Frank Black & The Catholics from Jack Black

Stevio10 Posted - 05/11/2024 : 14:38:03
Only recently realised how many albums Albini produced - or was a sound engineer for. Seems like most/all artists he worked with trusted and respected him a great deal.

Still to listen to Shellac, is on my list. Would rather a new Pixies album produced by Albini than Dalgety but hey ho it is what it is. Gary Smith from Fort Apache passed away last year as well, he was also instrument for Come In Pilgrim.
Sprite Posted - 05/10/2024 : 04:42:25
I completely agree but then nobody has...Why is that I wonder? Because he was a bit sniffy about the band? Personally I'd be sadder if Gil Norton passed away.

Anyway there is no shortage of nice tributes underneath this Guardian story. His influence on the sound of the 90s is without doubt.

Troubles A Foot Posted - 05/08/2024 : 14:52:30
I feel like Albini's death may deserve its own thread, seems like a huge topic.
matto Posted - 05/08/2024 : 13:47:11

baby poop, curry
Bedbug Posted - 05/08/2024 : 06:19:52
Wow, that’s an interesting list

Some make sense to me, others not so much

I personally love the Tenement Song, my favorite track on Head Carrier, but didn’t think many liked it
Active Duck Posted - 05/07/2024 : 06:54:11
Actually it looks like Human Crime has overtaken Greens and Blues now.

I wanted to make a playlist of the top 12 out of curiosity . I definitely spent more time looking at the numbers than I did listening to the playlist.
Active Duck Posted - 05/07/2024 : 06:44:39
Originally posted by Bedbug

Thanks Jake3 for the stats

I wonder what the highest 2.0 songs are besides AITAN

I remember making this list right after Doggerel was released...

1) 26,646,022 - All I Think About Now
2) 5,780,305 - Greens and Blues
3) 5,115,726 - On Graveyard Hill
4) 5,012,642 - Indie Cindy
5) 4,732,358 - Catfish Kate
6) 3,392,287 - Human Crime
7) 2,909,109 - Head Carrier
8) 2,813,708 - Tenement Song
9) 2,577,877 - Classic Masher
10) 2,519,517 - Magdalena 318

I think Might As Well Be Gone and Um Chagga Lagga were 11 & 12. Maybe There's a Moon On has crept into the top 10 now. I wonder if there have been big changes other than AITAN sky rocketing.
Bedbug Posted - 05/06/2024 : 06:19:44
Thanks Jake3 for the stats

I wonder what the highest 2.0 songs are besides AITAN
jake3 Posted - 05/05/2024 : 12:07:56
Originally posted by jake3

Originally posted by jake3

Originally posted by jake3

An interesting Spotify stat:

'All I Think About Now' is the 10th most listened to song in the entire Pixies catalogue having more listens than any other song on ‘Come On Pilgrim’, ‘Bossanova’, ‘Trompe Le Monde’, ‘Indie Cindy’, ‘Head Carrier’ or ‘Beneath the Eerie’, as well as more listens than any FB/BF/Catholics song or any Breeders song, excluding 'Cannonball'.

Quite the achievement for Paz's first songwriting contribution!

Just to update this 'All I Think About Now' is still rapidly gaining listens on Spotify. It's now the 7th most listened to Pixies song on the platform at 39.9 million listens behind 'Where Is My Mind?' (662.3m), 'Here Comes Your Man' (169.9m), 'Hey' (145.5m), 'Debaser' (81.9m), 'Monkey Gone To Heaven' (68m) and 'Gouge Away' (40.5m). Quite unbelievable really. From what I can gather it's a Spotify playlist thing.

Update (16 Jan 24)

Top 10 Most Streamed Pixies Songs On Spotify:

1) Where Is My Mind? - 810.6m
2) Here Comes Your Man - 203m
3) Hey - 169.3m
4) Debaser - 93.1m
5) Monkey Gone To Heaven - 83m
6) All I Think About Now - 61.2m
7) Gouge Away - 51.8m
8) Wave of Mutilation - 41.4m
9) Gigantic - 35.2m
10) Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - 34.4m

x) Cannonball - 115.6m

Monthly Listeners:

Pixies - 9.6m
The Breeders - 1.2m
Frank Black - 152k
Frank Black & The Catholics - 14.4k
Black Francis - 12k
Grand Duchy - <1k

Update (05 May 24)

Top 10 Most Streamed Pixies Songs On Spotify:

1) Where Is My Mind? - 870.5m
2) Here Comes Your Man - 218.4m
3) Hey - 177.8m
4) Debaser - 97.2m
5) Monkey Gone To Heaven - 88.9m
6) All I Think About Now - 70.7m
7) Gouge Away - 55.6m
8) Wave of Mutilation - 51.9m
9) Gigantic - 36.9m
10) Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - 36m

x) Cannonball - 121.3m

Monthly Listeners:

Pixies - 9.5m
The Breeders - 1.2m
Frank Black - 143k
Frank Black & The Catholics - 15.5k
Black Francis - 12.7k
Grand Duchy - <1k
billgoodman Posted - 05/02/2024 : 01:20:15
Originally posted by jake3

This was something I found years and years ago but I never posted about it at the time. I then completely forgot how I found it until just now. It shows Kim and Kelley copywriting music as far back as 1980. It gives you a bit of an idea how long Kim had been writing music before she started in the Pixies. Kim and Kelley were both born on a date that corresponds to a 'Gemini' astrological sign so I wonder if that explains the titles? I wonder if they were performing under that name too?

Title: Gemini Collection
Registration Date: 20 Aug 1980
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal, performed by Kim and Kelly Deal. 1 sound cassette. 23 selections.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/12152408

Title: Gemini II
Registration Date: 08 Jun 1981
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8132555

Title: Gemini III
Registration Date: 20 Oct 1981
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8171826

Title: Gemini IV
Registration Date: 29 Jul 1981
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8147112

Title: Gemini V
Registration Date: 1 Mar 1982
Notes: Words and music by Kim Deal. Words Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8205714

Title: Gemini VI
Registration Date: 10 May 1982
Notes: Words and music by Kim Deal. Words Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8227470

Title: Gemini VII
Registration Date: 01 Nov 1982
Notes: Words and music by Kim & Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8279409

Title: Gemini VIII
Registration Date: 14 Nov 1983
Notes: Words and music by Kim & Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8403538

Title: Diamonds In The Rough
Registration Date: 30 Jan 1984
Notes: Words and music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8410991

Release it all!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
jake3 Posted - 04/30/2024 : 12:52:49
Presumably the 8 song Pixies demo tape from 1986...

Title: The Pixies
Registration Date: 09 Jul 1986
Notes: 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8686100
jake3 Posted - 04/30/2024 : 12:07:59
This was something I found years and years ago but I never posted about it at the time. I then completely forgot how I found it until just now. It shows Kim and Kelley copywriting music as far back as 1980. It gives you a bit of an idea how long Kim had been writing music before she started in the Pixies. Kim and Kelley were both born on a date that corresponds to a 'Gemini' astrological sign so I wonder if that explains the titles? I wonder if they were performing under that name too?

Title: Gemini Collection
Registration Date: 20 Aug 1980
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal, performed by Kim and Kelly Deal. 1 sound cassette. 23 selections.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/12152408

Title: Gemini II
Registration Date: 08 Jun 1981
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8132555

Title: Gemini III
Registration Date: 20 Oct 1981
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8171826

Title: Gemini IV
Registration Date: 29 Jul 1981
Notes: Words & music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8147112

Title: Gemini V
Registration Date: 1 Mar 1982
Notes: Words and music by Kim Deal. Words Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8205714

Title: Gemini VI
Registration Date: 10 May 1982
Notes: Words and music by Kim Deal. Words Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8227470

Title: Gemini VII
Registration Date: 01 Nov 1982
Notes: Words and music by Kim & Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8279409

Title: Gemini VIII
Registration Date: 14 Nov 1983
Notes: Words and music by Kim & Kelley Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8403538

Title: Diamonds In The Rough
Registration Date: 30 Jan 1984
Notes: Words and music by Kim Deal. 1 sound cassette.
URL: https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/8410991
Bedbug Posted - 04/18/2024 : 04:10:38
April 17th 35 years ago Doolittle

tamefan Posted - 04/05/2024 : 20:09:21
i've noticed an uptick in YouTube reaction videos to Pixies music in the last year or two. it seems like an organic trend. perhaps the mundanity of recent music trends has led to more interest in bands that do things differently? check out some of these results: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pixies+reaction
Bedbug Posted - 04/04/2024 : 09:56:29
I really enjoyed this one. A classical musician breaks down The Happening after first listen. When she starts playing it on the harp it reminds me of how much that song sounds like something Badalamenti would have written. Her interpretation of hypnosis is also interesting. What a great song

Bedbug Posted - 04/03/2024 : 15:16:09
5 pixies songs every guitarist needs to hear - a readable article

Brank_Flack Posted - 04/03/2024 : 09:11:14
I was on a flight to Glasgow a couple weeks ago via United Airlines and was surprised to see that they had a full pro-shot concert from a Paris date last year.
moonruler Posted - 03/19/2024 : 15:14:05
Almost started a new topic, but felt this fit here. I am sure some people are aware, but I found the backstory for this song very interesting. A cover of a “fake” cover.


Not sure how to make the link live.

Edit: or do I?

Edit: Cecilia Ann is the song.

tamefan Posted - 03/16/2024 : 02:21:15
at 2nd manchester show, Charles explains the origins of "Pixies vs The Pixies"

Discoking Posted - 03/04/2024 : 22:56:50
:D lol

it's educational
rivum Posted - 03/04/2024 : 04:03:51
Originally posted by The Maharal

Paz has left the band and Emma Richardson has taken over. Seems she left Band of Skulls a few months ago.

i'm not sure this belongs in the thread "Not worth a topic, but at least postable..."

The Maharal Posted - 03/04/2024 : 03:30:47
Paz has left the band and Emma Richardson has taken over. Seems she left Band of Skulls a few months ago.
The Maharal Posted - 03/03/2024 : 02:57:52

Bedbug Posted - 03/02/2024 : 18:54:03
The surreal story behind HCYM.

Not sure if this was posted before but here you go.

billgoodman Posted - 01/17/2024 : 01:27:21
Originally posted by Troubles A Foot

Originally posted by jake3

Update (16 Jan 24)

Top 10 Most Streamed Pixies Songs On Spotify:

6) All I Think About Now - 61.2m

What could possibly be the reason for this?

Probably the same reason as why Harness Your Hopes is the most streamed Pavement-song (a b-side!)

Some algorithm-magic!

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Troubles A Foot Posted - 01/16/2024 : 22:11:35
Originally posted by jake3

Update (16 Jan 24)

Top 10 Most Streamed Pixies Songs On Spotify:

6) All I Think About Now - 61.2m

What could possibly be the reason for this?
jake3 Posted - 01/16/2024 : 12:26:52
Originally posted by jake3

Originally posted by jake3

An interesting Spotify stat:

'All I Think About Now' is the 10th most listened to song in the entire Pixies catalogue having more listens than any other song on ‘Come On Pilgrim’, ‘Bossanova’, ‘Trompe Le Monde’, ‘Indie Cindy’, ‘Head Carrier’ or ‘Beneath the Eerie’, as well as more listens than any FB/BF/Catholics song or any Breeders song, excluding 'Cannonball'.

Quite the achievement for Paz's first songwriting contribution!

Just to update this 'All I Think About Now' is still rapidly gaining listens on Spotify. It's now the 7th most listened to Pixies song on the platform at 39.9 million listens behind 'Where Is My Mind?' (662.3m), 'Here Comes Your Man' (169.9m), 'Hey' (145.5m), 'Debaser' (81.9m), 'Monkey Gone To Heaven' (68m) and 'Gouge Away' (40.5m). Quite unbelievable really. From what I can gather it's a Spotify playlist thing.

Update (16 Jan 24)

Top 10 Most Streamed Pixies Songs On Spotify:

1) Where Is My Mind? - 810.6m
2) Here Comes Your Man - 203m
3) Hey - 169.3m
4) Debaser - 93.1m
5) Monkey Gone To Heaven - 83m
6) All I Think About Now - 61.2m
7) Gouge Away - 51.8m
8) Wave of Mutilation - 41.4m
9) Gigantic - 35.2m
10) Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf) - 34.4m

x) Cannonball - 115.6m

Monthly Listeners:

Pixies - 9.6m
The Breeders - 1.2m
Frank Black - 152k
Frank Black & The Catholics - 14.4k
Black Francis - 12k
Grand Duchy - <1k
Bedbug Posted - 01/10/2024 : 00:27:07
billgoodman Posted - 12/22/2023 : 00:05:19
I love Bluey btw, but I watch it in Dutch with my kids
of course

It's one of the best shows I have ever seen. And watch children's television primarly.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
billgoodman Posted - 12/22/2023 : 00:04:15
Originally posted by johnnyribcage

Anyone ever listen to / hear of a band called Custard? They’re Australian, have been active since like 1990 or so. I found out about them because my daughters watch (and I do to for that matter) a lot of Bluey. It’s a cute short Aussie cartoon on Disney+. Anyway. I read an article that mentioned that the guy that voices Bluey’s dad - David McCormack - is the lead in this band called Custard.

I dug them up on Apple Music mainly just curious thinking it would be funny to picture Bandit fronting a band. Although it is a humorous image, turns out, I really dig them. There’s more than a hint of pixies / FBF in there, especially in the earlier stuff. They definitely have their own thing going though. I’ve yet to throw on an album that didn’t grab me.

So far I’ve spent some time with their latest called “Respect All Lifeforms,” which is great, “Wisenheimer,” and “Wahooti Fandango” (from 1994). Wahooti is my favorite so far. Give it a spin and tell me you don’t hear shades of TOTY era Frank and Catholics. I wonder if Charles knows them or if they’ve ever crossed paths. Seriously, the weird amalgam of punk and garage grunge pop plus steel guitar is all here... In a few songs you can hear like a little blueprint for the Catholics...

Always fun to “find” new music that’s been there all along.

bonus edit: I know technically this probably goes in some "what are you listening to?" obscure thread somewhere around here, but it's really only like 5 of us, so whatever.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.

He turns out to be a major Devo fan too, has made a recording as Davo, which is pretty funny.

BF: Mag ik Engels spreken?
Stevio10 Posted - 12/11/2023 : 14:37:15
I've done some light listening they seem quite good. I seem to be having some sort of music apathy thing going on at the moment where music just isn't doing much for me so I'm not able to give much of an opinion. I hope it's temporary.
johnnyribcage Posted - 12/02/2023 : 17:12:06
Originally posted by Stevio10

I'd never heard of them but know of Bluey of course!

Had a wee look on Wikipedia and found this;

1996 and 1997 were big years for the band, touring Australia with Weezer, Frank Black, Beck and the Presidents of the USA


Interesting that EDF produced, will check them out.

Check them out and let me know what you think. That Wahooti is still my fav so far.

I had a bad reaction to your public hobby writings.
Stevio10 Posted - 12/02/2023 : 04:38:24
I'd never heard of them but know of Bluey of course!

Had a wee look on Wikipedia and found this;

1996 and 1997 were big years for the band, touring Australia with Weezer, Frank Black, Beck and the Presidents of the USA


Interesting that EDF produced, will check them out.

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